no longer unemployed :D

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Well-Known Member
As of tomorrow, im starting work in my first job (yay!)

The manager of the shop told me if his phonecall to his boss (area manager) goes well, ill be the assistant manager, but if not - ill still have a job, just as a normal sales assistant


sorry, im just the littlest bit buzzed :P

:hug: s to all


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the words of grats just a fast summery for me :P

Ive been posted as the assistant manager (weekly revirews during the 13 weeks probation like)

so today has been training me up to do the sales advisor stuff, same as tomorrow (been a long day lol! - my legs and feet are killing me, but im like the most satisfied ive been in a fair while)

so like learning the till and where things are in the shop, tomorrow will be more sales advisor training then monday and tuesday are assistanat manager training - and its like scary in a way cause ill actaully be in charge of someone for a few hours on each shift; first day jitters didnt seem to affect me that badly - and im glad ive done the volunteer work and workplacement cause ive got some rli good peeps givin me referances :D

and so im like a bit scared (sort of like, first job and im a manager of sorts) and buzzed that my hard work (job serching and putting up with the job centre [Uk people will understand what im on about if you have had any dealings with them]

so yeah, 50/50 - but i feel free, prideful that the money in my account is gonna be money i have earned, i no longer feel like a leech :D
Keep up the good work, but expect problems so that you are not blind sighted if something goes wrong...expect something to go wrong so that if it happens you can handle it...also, please continue to let us know how you are doing...all the best, J


Well-Known Member
day two yesterday, damn it was busy lol; met a memeber of my staff (well she will most likely be soon) [god that feels odd, saying that 'my staff' thats gonna get some taking used to >.<

didnt do much in the way of training yesterday, saturdays are customer focused, tho i almost hit one of the personaly targets everyone is set yesterday, think i was £5 off :P so thats all good and from what i heard from my manager talking to the manager from another shop (said second manager is helping me and my manager training wise) they seem happy with my efforts so so far so good :D

and thank you all again for the kind words


Well-Known Member
I'm so pleased for you! Remeber how you felt when you got the news and when you are area manager you'll realise how happy you made somebody......YIPPEE!
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