Please don't take your life. God has put you on his planet because you have a purpose. Please don't do this. Push past what's bothering you. If it's your parents, then phone a help line or move somewhere else. If it's that you have to friends, remember I'm here for you and that maybe if you go to a different school or such you will meet someone. If it's people making fun of you, stand up for yourself and be strong! Have fun, there's so many possiblities and fun things on this world and things you can do to help others as well! Please, please do something to feel better other than taking your life...think of all the pain your parents will be in and your future will be gone. God has a plan for you and it will all turn out perfectly. Just stay strong, smile, and try to forget about all that's wrong and think possitive. Think that some people don't have the things you have, you are considered lucky. Some people don't have food, don't have a house or computer, don't have parents, don't have an education. You are a very lucky could be worse. If you need to talk to me more than you can message me.
Love lots,
Sarah :wub: