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I fall asleep ok. Have constant nightmares or flashbacks before I even go to sleep. This shit is deeply disturbing! You can't 'unsee' some thing.
I feel like I'm guna explode, I'm angry.


✯✯ Heart of an angel ✯✯
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Hi there, I think you should remind yourself you are in a safe place and that the traumatic event is over and that you're not in danger. Keep the 5 senses in mind... sight, sound, touch, taste, smell. Then lay back into bed hun and do this again if another flashback reappears in your mind until you fall asleep.

So sorry you are suffering. I hope somehow keeping the above things in mind you can get a sound nights sleep *hug
I read every single night anyway because when I get in bed at night, I get bad intrusive thoughts that I can't control. I've found reading helps with this. When I get in bed at night is the worst point for me. I hate it. I can't stop the flashbacks or the nightmares. When they hit, I really struggle letting go. They affect me the day after... like now. I'm all wound up and fed up, and angry with myself.
Thank you @MissEverything
I read every single night anyway because when I get in bed at night, I get bad intrusive thoughts that I can't control. I've found reading helps with this. When I get in bed at night is the worst point for me. I hate it. I can't stop the flashbacks or the nightmares. When they hit, I really struggle letting go. They affect me the day after... like now. I'm all wound up and fed up, and angry with myself.
Thank you @MissEverything
Happy too help! About the flashbacks can I ask you something? (If yes: Do you have headaches too?)
"Flashbacks take you out of your present awareness, with sensations from past trauma coming to life if they are current. Practicing yoga or Pilates can help halt flashbacks by using movement and breath to feel grounded and safe in your body.
Flashback Halting Guide: 10 Tips to Halt Flashbacks for ..."
I believe this would help! I am not sure.... but it is something! about the headaches you could try this: https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geK9lisytggbsAAkdXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNiZjEEcG9zAzIEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1613505507/RO=10/RU=https://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/5-ways-to-get-rid-of-headache/RK=2/RS=GpAYE8U0yKXDpn9kpAMrr_VfykU-Looks kinda good, I believe. * hug and pat*


✯✯ Heart of an angel ✯✯
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Thank you. I don't even know what a sound night's sleep is anymore. I'm ok though I suppose. But yeah, thank you
Good morning (or afternoon), yeah, sleep hygiene has so much more importance than most would think but add flashbacks to the mix and it becomes quite complicated but not impossible to attempt to fight or calm down those thoughts, I do hope you are working with a mental health professional in regards to the PTSD. You deserve to overcome this and to go to bed and fall asleep with ease and I hope that day comes soon. Wishing you luck.

P.S. Love your avatar, it's beautiful. 💕
I know what you mean. It just gets to the stage where I don't wanna go bed. I generally have more energy when I sleep less anyway.
I'm not working with anyone at the minute. I'm what you would call 'in between services'. Beyond caring though now. I don't think anyone knows how to deal with me, or more accurately, doesn't want to. 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, thank you.


✯✯ Heart of an angel ✯✯
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This may sound weird but sometimes I don't actually feel like getting under the blankets and lying down to go to sleep but rather watch youtube or netflix and fall asleep watching a movie in bed (great for preventing nightmares imo) - much less stress and less roaming unwanted thoughts, that's something I've been doing for years and I sleep pretty good.

That's pretty interesting that you have more energy when you sleep less. Rather unique I'd think too.

I think you should try to link back in with the services, after some ''research'' in the last few months I have found that there is more help out there other that our '' pro systems'', such as peer to peer support, community help, online MH groups, maybe look in to some of those? Especially with the current crisis there's so much more help online like live meditation classes and well being etc.. Do some googling and see what you can find. I'd like to see you improving while waiting for waiting for the in-between services, good luck to you, I mean that *hug


✯✯ Heart of an angel ✯✯
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SF Supporter
Up until recently I couldn't because I didn't have a TV but I do now so I can try that.

I'll try, thank you
You are welcome, sweet flower *hug

If you need any help or if you want assistance finding resources that could possibly help you, there's a resources list on SF but honestly in my opinion, google your area, see what is available to suit your specific needs and go from there, hope you feel some emotional release and ease of tension soon. You can do this *hug xox

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