If things have gotten to the stage where you HAVE to post, it means (to me) that you don't want to give up, that you're looking for support and love - and you know you'll find those here.:smile:
As far as having to hurt yourself more... no you don't, you just think you do. The way I see that self-hurt issue is thus: I hurt myself emotionally, I tell myself I'm a loser, ugly, worthless, etc, til I actually believe it. Then I realize that it's a waste of my energy to hurt myself cause the world will do that for me sooner or later, and often, so why waste my own energy hurting myself? Just sit back and wait and someone else will hurt me, and I've saved my own energy. Kind of a depressing perspective, I know, but it feels logical to me.:rolleyes:
Kath, you post here when you're really down and feel hopeless. Just by posting, even when you say you don't need or want or deserve any help, you're still asking for it. AND YOU ALWAYS GET IT CAUSE WE LOVE YA!!:smile: So post away and we'll reply to you, cause that's what friends do when their friends are in need.:smile: :smile:
sending you love and hugs and hope and support - all the way across the waters! Sending it by tmail 'Thinking is the best way to travel' by the Moody Blues - now THERE'S a hell of a trippy band! Check 'em out.
love ya Kath, take my hand,