Not going to last much longer

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I am not sure how to say this but I don't think I can live anymore. I have been cutting more and deeper every day. Last week I tried to overdose on pills and alcohol. I am seeing a therapist, but it isn't helping. I was supposed to see her Wednesday but didn't go, and I am meant to see her tomorrow but don't think I will go. I just don't want to be around anymore.

total eclipse

SF Friend
Staff Alumni
YOu have to go to your therapy in order to feel better Please just get yourself there okay tell therapist whats happening so you can start getting the support you need just do it.


Well-Known Member
I would like to echo what swimmergirl and violet have said. I've had this experience to. Therapy doesn't work overnight which i'm sure you know but at this time it can get you a little better until you are relatively stable to work on the root of the problem/s you are having. I'm sure if this is of any help if not just disregard it.
I was going to go to the therapy appointment, but it was cancelled. It is storming here :(. Maybe it is a sign, I don't know. But it is probably ending soon. I just can't hold on to my life anymore.


Well-Known Member
Things seem harder when it's storming outside. Try not to worry about things. Don't worry about tomorrow or anything else.

Give yourself a big hug. Put your arms around yourself and tell your inner self that it's okay, that nothing needs to be worried about.

This will help you get through this. Post here all that you need to. You don't have to be alone in this.
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