My life is completely pathetic, i'm 17 and at college and I don't see any reason to continue my meaningless life, I feel misarable at home and I feel misarable at college, my life as been a lonely one, I've always been a "lone wolf", followed what i believed in, didn't agree with other people if they differed from my point of view, however didn't hate them because of it either.
Anyways back in school I was an outcast from the main people and an outcast from the outcasts :dry: because the outcasts liked heavy metal, wore black and had a gothic theme, whereas the main groups of people liked sports and cars. Myself however only have an intrest in computer games, movies and easy listening music, this caused the main group of people to hate me and the outcasts too aswell since i didn't like that music they listened to.
My only freinds at the time were two people, and after I moved from high school to college (2 years ago) we never talked, when I seen them in town I would always try to strike up a conversation however I was given the usual hard-shoulder and they said they had to go, likewise MSN converstaions and phone calls happened the same way.
So as being an outcast to everyone all my life, since around seven, I stayed in at home and played computer games all the time, never leaving the house, nobody would call me, nobody would ask me out, so i just kept playing. About 6 years ago I discovered online gaming with Warcraft 3 and later World of Warcraft, I played these for approxmatally 8 hours a day, on as you could exspect on World of Warcraft I was the best on the server which I am not too proud of.
Now for the most pathetic part of the story, I met a girl on World of Warcraft and fell in love with her over MSN conversations, and I still am in love with her however she lives 400 miles away which means we can never see each other, not just because of the distance but she doesn't feel the same way about me, I have been talking to her for over 2 years and this is really depressing me aswell.
So as my social skills have be decaying (good joke I know, I never had them) I find it incrediably hard to talk or meet new people. I have not been able to even work in college recently since i've been too depressed and never had any fun, when I do talk I get called a retard since I have no idea how to react and approach people and after trying to and failing misarably I can't be bothered to try anymore.
6 months ago, I quit World of Warcraft and since as I thought it could help me build my life up however then I have had nothing at all to do since, I started back up 2 weeks ago, so the circle continues or end it now?
My life is completely pathetic, i'm 17 and at college and I don't see any reason to continue my meaningless life, I feel misarable at home and I feel misarable at college, my life as been a lonely one, I've always been a "lone wolf", followed what i believed in, didn't agree with other people if they differed from my point of view, however didn't hate them because of it either.
Anyways back in school I was an outcast from the main people and an outcast from the outcasts :dry: because the outcasts liked heavy metal, wore black and had a gothic theme, whereas the main groups of people liked sports and cars. Myself however only have an intrest in computer games, movies and easy listening music, this caused the main group of people to hate me and the outcasts too aswell since i didn't like that music they listened to.
My only freinds at the time were two people, and after I moved from high school to college (2 years ago) we never talked, when I seen them in town I would always try to strike up a conversation however I was given the usual hard-shoulder and they said they had to go, likewise MSN converstaions and phone calls happened the same way.
So as being an outcast to everyone all my life, since around seven, I stayed in at home and played computer games all the time, never leaving the house, nobody would call me, nobody would ask me out, so i just kept playing. About 6 years ago I discovered online gaming with Warcraft 3 and later World of Warcraft, I played these for approxmatally 8 hours a day, on as you could exspect on World of Warcraft I was the best on the server which I am not too proud of.
Now for the most pathetic part of the story, I met a girl on World of Warcraft and fell in love with her over MSN conversations, and I still am in love with her however she lives 400 miles away which means we can never see each other, not just because of the distance but she doesn't feel the same way about me, I have been talking to her for over 2 years and this is really depressing me aswell.
So as my social skills have be decaying (good joke I know, I never had them) I find it incrediably hard to talk or meet new people. I have not been able to even work in college recently since i've been too depressed and never had any fun, when I do talk I get called a retard since I have no idea how to react and approach people and after trying to and failing misarably I can't be bothered to try anymore.
6 months ago, I quit World of Warcraft and since as I thought it could help me build my life up however then I have had nothing at all to do since, I started back up 2 weeks ago, so the circle continues or end it now?