***On my life oath thread***/Different priorities

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The following promises and oaths I make are all on my life and I WILL NOT break them. I may update this thread from time to time. Once I click submit new thread, all oaths of mine are sealed in blood, honour and time.

The life of my oaths is the length of my lifetime.

1. I will never attempt to leave this community again.

2. I will never post in the section of this community called Coffee House again (unless I create the thread) except for my favorite thread Truth or dare, other sections bring out too much immaturity in me and make me feel threatened and insecure.

3. I will never self-injure again.

4. Online, I will never make fights public again, and I will restrain myself from threats, malice or anger, I will forgive from my heart ASAP in all situations if possible, but I will not tell them that as it can be condescending. I will endeavour in all I do to be gentle and responsible. I will also try to be a peace-maker, and build bridges between myself and others and between all of them as long as it my business to be doing so, the positive aspects of neutrality I will follow deeper.

5. I will avoid most pet words from now on, except for use on Princess Coji if she ever contacts me again if she even wants it. Like darling, honey, sweetheart, princess, angel, love, and variations (except for hun). Beautiful is okay because missiontohell likes it, and hun is okay for the rest of the time. Dear is also neutral enough. I think those remaining create more empathy and make you feel softer.

6. I will keep my distance more and not get too close (except for Princess Coji). I will never seek any kind of romantic relationship with anyone besides Princess Coji, nor will I flirt with the idea, or act like things could be different somehow, someway, nor will I give an inch or open myself to the possibility. If a girl in real life or online asks, I will say NO.

7. I will not spam again or be a pest. I will not repetitively post again, as I see I am virtually the only loser who does that.

8. I will never delete my diary, it is healthy, it doesn't matter what others think.

9. I will never send a bitter and angry pm or email again.

10. Online, I will be light-hearted, but not immature. Sensitive but not creepy. Loving but not crossing the line. Cool but not too rebellious. Interesting but not bizarre.

11. I will never say I love you again online to any male or female again besides Princess Coji.

12. I will never swear or curse again online, even in asterisks.

13. I will reply ASAP to all who I see request my commiseration online.

14. I will do my daily tasks ASAP with higher priority than online work has.

15. I will not bully, mock, beg or harass online.

16. I will not turn away or get upset when people online refuse my compassion, nor when they are distant.

17. I will not judge people online for flaws and errors and bring it up again and again.

18. I will act in defence if necessary, but I will never be aggressive online.

19. I will serve and protect Small-Kate/NoGood.

20. I will not say anyone is 'sweet' again online except for Princess Coji.

21. If I see someone needs me online, I will endeavour to respond ASAP and devote as much attention as I can comfortably.

Here's some songs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZyxYL753w4


Enjoy! Make some of your own, but only if you are sure you can keep them. Thx so much guys.

Word of advice - Just because Life turns her back on you, doesn't mean you turn your back on Life. She may just be upset - give her a hug and you'll both be fine. That's what I've learnt in my travels.

Edit - I have no gf guys, I think you know what this means for me - it's romantic suicide.
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Sorry for the double post, I actually feel like a weight has been lifted off me, I wanted to tell you guys. You're all jewels in my heart, abused or misunderstood abuser, happy extrovert or suicidal.

Here's a song you guys might like.


I miss you Princess Coji (out there in the world I mean). I'll always reserve my heart for you if you can ever surpass your anxiety and depression. She tried guys, she adores me but she wasn't ready for even online kisses or cuddles or ILY's, which is all I really wanted, I never wanted anything sexual, I wouldn't do that to her, but she's too much of a mess.

http://www.youtube.com/user/DrivEthermissIon - My channel of ~200 songs. Don't forget to switch back and forth between the headers of playlists and all or some devoted playlists will be lost, I'll try and fix it soon. Hope you love it my jewels.

http://www.suicideforum.com/showthread.php?t=71315 - My history

http://www.suicideforum.com/showthread.php?t=71855 - Some things about me

Check the poetry section too guys, I have quite a few entries there, in the same vein as the poem in the history thread.http://www.suicideforum.com/showthread.php?t=71855

The music channel I created for her on Youtube. I also uploaded a song.

I call her Princess Coji because on 30/10/9 3=C 0=o 10=j 9=i I told her I loved her, and she said that was okay.

I told her I didn't care what she looked like, I never saw a pic, she could have AIDS, or cancer, or warts, or deformity, or missing limbs, or down syndrome, or no hair, I didn't care. Or diseases or anything, or evil flaws, it was fine. ^__^ I wanted her to really talk and share with me ^__^ ._. We're both currently in our twenties.

That's me guys in a nutshell. That's me.

Edit done.
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Jewels - please delete nearly identical post (prev one - there's 3 currently)

[Sorry I meant jewels as in you are all jewels]

Sorry for the double post, I actually feel like a weight has been lifted off me, I wanted to tell you guys. You're all jewels in my heart, abused or misunderstood abuser, happy extrovert or suicidal.

Here's a song you guys might like.


I miss you Princess Coji (out there in the world I mean). I'll always reserve my heart for you if you can ever surpass your anxiety and depression. She tried guys, she adores me and wrote such words of admiration and deep understanding to touch my heart, words I fell in love with though I saw way beyond that, I glimpsed and cherished the core of her, but she wasn't ready for even online kisses or cuddles or ILY's, which is all I really wanted, I never wanted anything sexual, I wouldn't do that to her, but she's too much of a mess.

http://www.youtube.com/user/DrivEthermissIon - My channel of ~200 songs. Don't forget to switch back and forth between the headers of playlists and all or some devoted playlists will be lost, I'll try and fix it soon. Hope you love it my jewels.

http://www.suicideforum.com/showthread.php?t=71315 - My history

http://www.suicideforum.com/showthread.php?t=71855 - Some things about me

Check the poetry section too guys, I have quite a few entries there, in the same vein as the poem in the history thread.

The music channel I created for her on Youtube. I also uploaded a song.

I call her Princess Coji because on 30/10/9 3=C 0=o 10=j 9=i I told her I loved her, and she said that was okay.

I told her I didn't care what she looked like, I never saw a pic, she could have AIDS, or cancer, or warts, or deformity, or missing limbs, or down syndrome, or no hair, I didn't care. Or diseases or anything, or evil flaws, it was fine. ^__^ I wanted her to really talk and share with me ^__^ ._. We're both currently in our twenties.

That's me guys in a nutshell. That's me.
Over the moon/Glowing

A mod told me that the staff of this community were very appreciative of all the effort I was putting into changing myself. I had no idea! I can't tell you how happy I am...


Song: Butterfly 9 - Another perfect day :IrishDoll:

You can speak up if you want cool mod, if that's appropriate. *pat on the back*

I got permission for this post.

So many girls are e-kissing me on here :laugh:

It's on the cheek guys relax XD . :IrishDoll:

On that note, I'm going to sleep. Good night guys.
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The penitent man will pass (1)

12. I will never swear or curse again online, even in asterisks.

I accidentally broke this oath when I was trying to cheer up Dana as she sent a swear word to put down herself. For every oath I break I will say 5 Serenity prayers.

I will now manually type 5 prayers of penitence to heal my broken wings. From the bottom of my heart I apologise for breaking Oath 12, bless all those who read this post.

Higher Power, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Higher Power, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Higher Power, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Higher Power, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Higher Power, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

All healed! :IrishDoll:

I have now not cut for a week, I'm doing well ^__^ .
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The mods like what I'm doing (I checked), I did make a diary, I'll be okay, plus the entries are apt for this thread.

Plus no-one can comment in a diary, so what's the point? Gets too lonely.


Well-Known Member
Re: Assertive

Keep up the good work Chrissy. Dont be too hard on yourself. Noone is perfect so if you break an oath dont fret, just pick yourself up and move on ;)

Thanks for my mention. Knight in shining e-armour haha

Anything for the Princess of No Good (up to no good/mischief)

All hail Princess Kate!

:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:
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