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Online Games (CSS etc)

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Well-Known Member
Well alot of people have mentioend in various threads they play these games it could be cool if we all played togerther sometime for laughs or hey if anyone had the facilities hada server XD anyway here is a list of online games i play

Counter Strike Source
BattleField 2
Rise Of Legends
Dawn Of War
Eve Online ( MMorpg)
Red Orchestra

I play these mostly so ya if anyone ever wants a game XD

Ps. post here what sort of games you play could be interesting to see what comes up to most


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i play games when i got time... so i play alot :laugh:

Ive played

Imperial Conflict(free tickbased game)
Soldat(free 2d shooter, exellent game btw, try it!)

Never played anything you have to pay for monthy, though id like to try out that D&D Online game but its too costy :(

Hey, we could play css together sometimes. If we ever accidentally run into each other my nick is Lovecraft, you will most likely find me in the XG1 servers. I suck :(
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