Ok its like this I have been suffering from inferiority thought patterns and big lack of self esteem since day 1 and there is no real reason why its been like this as I am not different in anyway (except mentally) yet all my life have never beleived in myself at all its like I was born with it or maybe somewhere later along the line I was traumatized by someone or something and it altered my thought process and self worth yet I cant renember specifically anything that bad that did happen.
The question I wanted to ask was about problems at birth and how and what level they might effect one mentally. We all know in extreme cases that lack of oxygen can permanently damage babys weither they end up a vegatable or other various phsysical problems but in my case I was told by my mother that there was mild problems with me getting oxygen during birth but oviously wasnt serious enough to make me end up a vegatable or whatever yet I wondering if that could perhaps do some mild damage mentally i.e effect ones mind by ruining certain parts of the brain that control feelings about yourself and depression and happiness etc. sort of like a very mild form of brain damage. Does anyone know anything about this type of thing and how It could potentially harm a baby. It might just be wrong but its just something I gotta ask about just so I can get some answers. Your views or facts or whatever would be appreciated. Thx.
The question I wanted to ask was about problems at birth and how and what level they might effect one mentally. We all know in extreme cases that lack of oxygen can permanently damage babys weither they end up a vegatable or other various phsysical problems but in my case I was told by my mother that there was mild problems with me getting oxygen during birth but oviously wasnt serious enough to make me end up a vegatable or whatever yet I wondering if that could perhaps do some mild damage mentally i.e effect ones mind by ruining certain parts of the brain that control feelings about yourself and depression and happiness etc. sort of like a very mild form of brain damage. Does anyone know anything about this type of thing and how It could potentially harm a baby. It might just be wrong but its just something I gotta ask about just so I can get some answers. Your views or facts or whatever would be appreciated. Thx.