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Pain and anxiety - over 65


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I’ve had CFS/ME ~30 years, which is progressive neurological illness and can cause one to be slowed or bedridden. It’s relatively obscure, about 10 million cases worldwide. Last month I got 2 new diagnoses which may or not be related but are also neurological. One is peripheral neuropathy in the feet. Symmetrical Burning is all consuming. Currently taking Percocet but doctor not inclined to continue it. This is causing anxiety and panic to the max as no other relief in sight.

The other is hand tremors, shakiness. Doc says may be Parkinson’s! I can’t see a neurologist until the end of Feb, 2019. This is scary, thinking of all the possibilities and images. I’m 65+, a little young for this elder disease.

Is there anyone here in similar state - dealing with consuming pain and not having a certain path out; anxiety; fear... ? How do you cope? Thanks.
Sorry that you're going through this. It's got to be really terrifying.

There might be a support group for people going through similar conditions.

I recommend acupuncture and traditional Chinese herbal medicine here relentlessly, especially for pain conditions, or for conditions that conventional medicine can't treat well. I can say more about the subject if you are interested.

Just being able to talk about it here, and knowing that there are other people who care about what happens to you may be some help no matter what


Has a monkey as a friend
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i'm 61 and for the feet my doctor gives me gabapentin as far as the other pain if you think you need opioids for relief ask you doctor to send you to a pain clinic. in the us it's difficult to get these meds but possible. they may require you to use a lot of different nonopioids first which is good. I don't have the same but I suffer bad chronic pain so I understand. I hope you feel better and get some relief. and you can talk to me anytime. mike *hug


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Hi there, welcome to SF. I know nothing about those disorders to be honest but know a lot about anxiety. I am sorry you are going through so much, life can be cruel to us at times. Those diagnosis's sound very scary especially for someone your age, still a young mid life person. I hope the doctor can find you another painkiller that will release you of the pain you are suffering from. As for the anxiety maybe the doctor can give you something for that? Or try some self help mindfulness techniques, there's also natural aids for anxiety such as valerian and passionflower. I hope things don't get so bad that you can't manage. Keep posting here and post anytime you need to even if just a rant or need to let it all out somewhere. A warm welcome to our community :)


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i'm 61 and for the feet my doctor gives me gabapentin as far as the other pain if you think you need opioids for relief ask you doctor to send you to a pain clinic. in the us it's difficult to get these meds but possible. they may require you to use a lot of different nonopioids first which is good. I don't have the same but I suffer bad chronic pain so I understand. I hope you feel better and get some relief. and you can talk to me anytime. mike *hug
Being constantly in pain is consuming and tiring. It sure leads to anxiety and fear, now insomnia and not being able to envision a joyful future... , I’m trying to get away from the ‘edge’ but it seems a real solution to get out of this misery=(


Has a monkey as a friend
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I don't know what all your health problems are but it's generally the same story. we get older have a lot of physical and or chronic pain as well as health problems so why bother we won't be well again. well I suffer bad chronic pain severe copd etc. so I know where you are coming from. why bother? we may have to suffer health problems but we can still enjoy our life. we want the pain to end but we can't turn back the clock, but we can look forward to the future it can still hold much joy. we have to keep fighting to make a better life but don't fight alone, let us help you. mike *hug*hug


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I don't know what all your health problems are but it's generally the same story. we get older have a lot of physical and or chronic pain as well as health problems so why bother we won't be well again. well I suffer bad chronic pain severe copd etc. so I know where you are coming from. why bother? we may have to suffer health problems but we can still enjoy our life. we want the pain to end but we can't turn back the clock, but we can look forward to the future it can still hold much joy. we have to keep fighting to make a better life but don't fight alone, let us help you. mike *hug*hug
Granted it could always be worse. I never envisioned being sickly; and I hate the idea of being a burden on a wonderful wife.


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Hello Grayeyes,
I'm glad you found this site. You said you never envisioned being sickly....I very much relate to that. I'm in my early 60's and have always been active and healthy...then I had an illness manifest 3 years ago that changed my world, last year healed it but it left residual issues like fatigue and insomnia. Then this past year I developed a neurological condition that means I'll be on meds for the rest of my life as well as some effect that it has on my daily life........
I'm sorry to hear of your peripheral neuropathy, I understand that the pain is relentless and I'm confused about the doctor not being more supportive with medication treatment. I hope you find a physician that is more in alignment with your pain needs. Gabapentin only does so much. There are pain meds that can be delivered via patches (if you have enough body fat/weight) and one is called Duragesic, comes in different strengths and is placed on the arm or upper chest or back. It works well for some people. There are several approaches to pain control, a good practitioner should be familiar with them and be able to go beyond just offering you Percocet.
I don't know if you meditate or have mindfulness/being present practices in place but it can be helpful...there are many ways to go about meditation if you'd like to give the practice a try. It's a daily thing for me and usually is somewhat helpful.
It's a shame it takes a month to get into a specialist...spend time here and talk and share with everyone as you want and need to, there's a lot of people here to listen and support you. They have been helping me take it a day at a time....
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Right now I’m on one day, today. I’ll worry about tomorrow then. I’m hoping there’s always a reversal of pain or remission long enough so as to make doctor and treatment inquiries. I have to ward off thoughts of not existing as being a resolution. It’s a
damned hard thought process to set aside especially for a well educated, well read individual who should know better. Maybe that’s why I’m here posting - practicing displacement for an otherwise continuation of negative thoughts... .


Has a monkey as a friend
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Right now I’m on one day, today. I’ll worry about tomorrow then. I’m hoping there’s always a reversal of pain or remission long enough so as to make doctor and treatment inquiries. I have to ward off thoughts of not existing as being a resolution. It’s a
damned hard thought process to set aside especially for a well educated, well read individual who should know better. Maybe that’s why I’m here posting - practicing displacement for an otherwise continuation of negative thoughts... .
I understand chroic pain. sometimes it's hard to not think negative thoughts but we have to divert them and try to think of something positive. you are doing the right thing coming here, try to go to other threads and post when you can. don't think of remission or pain being cured think about bringing the pain to acceptable levels, anything above that is gravy. if you ever have to talk about pain feel free to talk to me. mike *hug


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I understand chroic pain. sometimes it's hard to not think negative thoughts but we have to divert them and try to think of something positive. you are doing the right thing coming here, try to go to other threads and post when you can. don't think of remission or pain being cured think about bringing the pain to acceptable levels, anything above that is gravy. if you ever have to talk about pain feel free to talk to me. mike *hug
Thanks for following up. Good thought re ‘acceptable level vs remission’ which may be wishful thinking. I wonder if a pain clinic deals with neurological appendage type pain or are they more ‘cut and paste’ skeletal oriented? The research locally shows the doctors being anesthesiologists which implies heavy duty stuff.


Has a monkey as a friend
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Thanks for following up. Good thought re ‘acceptable level vs remission’ which may be wishful thinking. I wonder if a pain clinic deals with neurological appendage type pain or are they more ‘cut and paste’ skeletal oriented? The research locally shows the doctors being anesthesiologists which implies heavy duty stuff.
I've been to three pain clinics 2 before cdc guidelines and 1 after. it depends on who you get on what meds you get. they'll probably try a few mnonopioids first and they may work if not they may try opioids. just remember all people on opioids are physically addicted but most aren't psychologically addicted, which means if you go off of them you will have withdrawls, but it is worth it if you need them. if you get a good clinic they will do the right thing. mike *hug

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