I took a lot of pills not too long ago but woke up with a lot of vomit which contain lots of blood. i have felt fairly bad since, with a sharp pain where my kidneys are and I am worried I have done myself real damage now.
But I can go to the hospital as they will want to know what I took and there is no explaining what i took without admitting my intent. I am trying to hold it all together, between work, mortgage, broken relationship, counselling I feel like I am about to explode at times.
I am scared, plain and simple that I have done considerable damage to my kidneys with the amount of different things i took.
That me.
But I can go to the hospital as they will want to know what I took and there is no explaining what i took without admitting my intent. I am trying to hold it all together, between work, mortgage, broken relationship, counselling I feel like I am about to explode at times.
I am scared, plain and simple that I have done considerable damage to my kidneys with the amount of different things i took.
That me.