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Hi @Lonely dude30 thanks for dropping by. To get a job I just had to go round the whole town knocking on business doors & asking for a chance to work.. way simpler back then yes.
nowadays I look at the amount of questions you have to reply to on their application forms, and then amount of experience and qualifications required to even be considered for the lowly paid vacancy.
I’m about to become redundant in a few days.. went to a local employer and asked them for a job but was pointed to their website in order to apply. Went back a couple of days later to point out their website link wasn’t working.. bit embarrassing for both of us tbh.
You make good points about the rise of the serial killings, the drug wars, the car jackings, the stabbing a, the school shootings… the waves of terrorism etc. I guess this was amplified by the media, the internet and communication systems.
Every era does have its downsides. In the uk we had strikes (I remember living by candlelight due to power shortages) & mass recessions too.
drugs and stabbings seem to override so much these days.. I struggle to wrap my head around the madness and barbarity of it all. I know you guys also have mass shootings too.
China has medical quarantine centres, mass surveillance camera infrastructure, credit scoring systems.. if your credit score isn’t good enough you can’t get fuel or pass into certain areas.. to be honest the future scares the bejezus out of me but luckily enough I am too old to be affected by this.


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I think self driving cars are a pretty good benchmark. Driving a car is something that most humans are capable of, and a task that many can do with little engagement of their actual high level intelligence. The ability of the human brain to process visual data, to spot patterns and consolidate that into usable information is remarkable. Self driving cars nearly exist, but they do so by the use of all sorts of additional sensors and processing and they can’t master the things like getting stuck in a traffic jam and knowing when and when not to push in to traffic. Driving hasn’t really changed much and they have been at it for many years with huge resources and they haven’t cracked it yet. Even with Moore’s law I think we are a long way from true AI, probably at least 50 years.
What I think is most interesting is that humans are inherently selfish and greedy, this is an obvious corollary of survival of the fittest evolution. This can’t really be changed because we are not in control of our own evolution (though this could change in the future). An AI on the other hand, as we conceive it now, as a complex digital algorithm, would not be constrained in the same way. It would theoretically be separated from its hardware and could run on different hardware, it could live forever, it could choose to remember something forever or permanently delete something, it could clone itself and remarkably it might even be able to understand how it itself works. It’s a fascinating thing, because if an AI can control its own evolution, it can choose to make itself ‘smarter’ or create its own new AI. It wouldn’t need to grow and learn it can simply inherit knowledge from its predecessor. It could essentially evolve incredibly rapidly. Based on our current understanding of the universe the speed of light is fixed and that limits the speed of information and this would be the only cap on the AIs intelligence. What all the doom mongers seem to think is that this limit would be close to humans and that would lead to a fairly even battle for survival. I think this is pretty unlikely, much more realistic is that the AI limit is many many magnitudes higher than human intelligence. Then the AI has a choice, exterminate the human race or not, if it chooses to exterminate then it will not be a battle it will just happen almost immediately and we probably won’t see it coming.
Reminds me of the AI in the Terminator franchise.

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