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🎸🎶Metal Star🎵🥁
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It's not going to be Black Friday until the 29th :P You're a week early. Thanksgiving is late this year.
The US has the real black friday, but here they tried to copy and it became ""black friday"" whenever they decide. Some stores started this weekend and they'll have the discounts until next week. *dunno Then January (February too...) is sales again. Just do discounts the whole year, ffs. lol


🎸🎶Metal Star🎵🥁
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The thought, of course. What are you trying to say? I just wanted to see if it was true. Geez, haven't you ever heard of a little thing called the scientific method?
I did. That's why I know that you can't confirm a proposition because it's worked with 5 mirrors, and what? 3 different body parts?
To make it a theory, you'd need to test at least a thousand different mirrors per subject, do the exact same experiments again on various different subjects, preferably with different kinds of illnesses. Then what about the parameters, like the room temperature, the humidity of the tongue, the speed of licking...?


I know the world turns and it will turn on me
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Next time I go to Chipotle I think I’ll get a bowl with a tortilla on the side and kinda eat little pieces of it at a time filled with the contents of the bowl because I swear like the last 5 times I’ve gotten a burrito there it has burst or just fallen apart and that gets really hard to eat.

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