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idk if they’re exhausted or what but the cashier gave me a change 2 bucks short, look i’m not a math genius but i can easily and roughly estimate my change when they ring up the numbers and as i show her the receipt and the calculation, clearly she made a mistake and gave me my correct/missing change, good thing because i was her last customer before her shift ends and someone else handle the counter, even the guard couldn’t say anything. At first i was going to let it go, but not today satan, not today.

The bagger also did a shitty job, like seriously the bag of chips and bananas on the bottom of my grocery tote bag and he placed the bag of rice on top like wtf is that?
i have to take everything out and redo it myself, the correct way.

idk somehow something in me felt all of that was part of a scheme, like it was intentional. I know they could have done that by accident or maybe because they’re struggling, well so am I.

or because they think they can get away with it because i dress like i dont know any better in life and i look like a person who wont fight back.


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@Shelly my wife used to eat eggs all of the time then all of a sudden about 10 years ago she gets sick eating eggs. she isn't allergic because she can eat most foods like bread and pancakes. i guess that means our bodies keep changing

@Shelly my wife used to eat eggs all of the time then all of a sudden about 10 years ago she gets sick eating eggs. she isn't allergic because she can eat most foods like bread and pancakes. i guess that means our bodies keep changing

i was allergic to eggs, chicken and seafood from 6th grade until college then it disappeared, and now it’s back.

i understand a few distance between legs BUT when you’re already half a step from a split, something is medically wrong about your private parts. Be mindful of other people’s space.
i reported this one person for spreading hate about the lgbtqia community in another forum site. One was responding defending the community but the other doesnt want to stop.

So i reported that person’s first comment for hate and the site agreed, deleted that one comment and gave that person a warning and it is so funny how that person backpedalled really fast by saying he has nothing against the community and that he loves us and that he has many gay friends, like wtf.
at this point i would rather want the film industry to just re-promote and re-show good films at the theaters/cinemas.

There is absolutely NO NEED for a remake or a new version, like ENOUGH! Sequels dont stand a chance anymore so what made them think redoing it will make it better.

“If it aint broke, don’t fix it”

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