~Public Announcement~

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Senior Member & Antiquities Friend
If I"ve said it once then I've probably said it about 10 times more. I'm a bitch. Fact and you cant dispute facts. But a kind hearted bitch. I'm here to help anyone that I can. But damn it I'm not good at approaching people or remembering facts too well. So you want or need my help ya gotta ask me. Sorry that's just the way I am. Have been for more years than the average age at this forum and it isnt about to change. Not for 1 member or 100. Okay? Now you may return to your regular programming........


Well-Known Member
thanks for letting us know you're there for us.....I haven't found you to be a bitch yet...but have found you to be helpful to others....hugs..
Carla, I have found you to be out of sorts on occasion (aren't we all?), but never a bitch. And you do fine in approaching people. How many PMs have you sent when you noticed someone was hurting a bit more than usual? More than I can count I know. You also reach out to people by your replies to their threads. Try not to be so hard on yourself. You are a sweetheart in my book. :hug:
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