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Quadriplegic Ellison Eyes State Senate

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ALBANY, N.Y. Nov 4, 2005 (AP)— Brooke Ellison, whose struggle with paralysis was the subject of a 2004 TV movie directed by Christopher Reeve, is seeking a seat in the New York state Senate.

Ellison, a Democrat, says she wants to address the lack of affordable housing for young adults on Long Island, dwindling open space and environmental protections, and New York's failure to fund embryonic stem-cell research, among other issues. Her campaign announcement was reported in Thursday's editions of Newsday.

"The Brooke Ellison Story," starring Lacey Chabert, was based on the book "Miracles Happen: One Mother, One Daughter, One Journey," written by Ellison and her mother, Jean Ellison.

In 1990 at age 11, Ellison was hit by a car while walking home from school. The accident left her paralyzed from her neck down and dependent on a ventilator to breathe, according to her Web site.

Ellison, a Harvard graduate, is studying for a doctoral degree in political psychology at SUNY Stony Brook.

In an e-mail to The Associated Press, Ellison said she is waiting until after the 2005 election to speak about her candidacy.

"Out of respect for and courtesy toward candidates running right now, I won't be saying anything until after Nov. 8," she wrote.
This is a remarkable, motivating, truly inspiring story I found on the net. I would like to hear what you guys think about this extraordinary individual. Also you can learn more about her at www.brookeellison.com.
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