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Random things to think about topic.

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This board is too slow for my ADD. I like lots and lots of post.So in this topic you have to post multiple random things(but true things) that no one cares about, and in general, have nothing to do with the previous post.
Ok Ill go first.

1. I like pizza
2. did you know that Exxon-Mobil made 25 billion dollars of profit last year?
3 I like the cartoon aqua teen hunger force

OK GO! this topic will be funny to look at with enough post.
I love everyone here.

I have a puppy named spike.

I give my hubby crap for watching Sponge Bob but I really like to watch it sometimes:tongue: :rolleyes: :unsure:
The national orchestra of Monaco is bigger than the army.

I know a lot of random, useless things like this.

I am supposed to be writing a History essay on the reasons Britain followed a policy of appeasement in the 1930s. Instead I just wrote a really long PM, I am IM-ing someone, and just generally procrastinating.


Well-Known Member
okay here is my lame random truths...lol

1. i had a great time at the club with my friends, shaking my thing!!!

2. I had a great conservation with someone that doesnt like me!!!

3. and i got no sleep and tired as hell...lol

whos next???


Well-Known Member
cheese is thick and tastes like cheese

glasses improve eyesight if you have poor vision though some people wear contact lenses because they are vain

loads of workers died in the making of the channel tunnel
time moves faster in space, and slower on the sun

i leave my glow in the dark buddha against a lightbulb for an hour before i go to sleep.

i am an active pastafarian; a practicing member of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

the lead singer of kajagoogoo also sang the neverending story theme song
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