Ready to quit

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I am in some serious trouble and do not want my family to find out. I just feel that it would be easier for them to get over the loss of me than withstand our name being drug through the mud. I don't want my child embarrassed. I am tired of fighting myself.


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Do you want to talk to us about what you are in trouble with exactly? We might have experience and be able to help. I am sorry you feel suicide is your only way out but it should never become an option for you or anyone, although I do understand being suicidal, I have been there, very nearly killed myself. Keep talking to us if it helps and your lil girl needs you for christmas.
I stole from someone I love very much. I don't know why I did it and have offered to pay it back but they are going to press charges. I have never been in any trouble and haven't ever done anything like this before. In the last 3 years I have done things that are not "normal" for me. I have forgotten my morals. I cannot let my daughter go through the embarrassment of me being charged.


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Welcome to the forum. You in a terrible state of mind at the moment. Ok, I not going judge you. In life we make major mistakes and we have to learn from them and become a better person. You mind is worrying and you are getting very paranoid at the moment. I not trying to come across horrible in anyway but trying to convey the you feel and trying to show you that someone understands what you going through.

Expand on your story, no one is judging you, was there a reason for this action like a financial reason. Yes, the world and the sun has dropped out of your world but people do far worse things and still live a life. Please do not worry, let's try to talk in a rationale manner to calm you own fears down.

Keep posting her, let's keep talking.
I don't know why I did it. I didn't have to have the money but always tried to help others by giving them money or whatever they needed. I will do whatever to protect my daughter.


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Ok, you stole money but people who maine other people still live. You need to seek legal advice and see what implications are going to be. Until you know the real legal facts before any action is taken do not worry now. You need to remain calm, I know it's hard to do, but do not worry. No doubt you are fearful, tearful about the future. All of us are like that but we remain strong and support each other. Have charges being pressed yet?


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Please remain calm, for the sake of your daughter as is the she main reason for your living. Ok, you stole for no reason, so it's not the crime of the century compared to what's happening in the rest of the world. You mind is running in overdrive at the moment. The impact of what's going to happen, how are you going to cope within the social scence with your child. You need to remain focused. People emblezze thousands and thousands and they still live. How much did you steal? I am not judging but trying to input into perspective and trying to show you it might be insignificant. I know you are mentally drained but we need to calm you down first.
No but I am supposed to go talk to the investigator tomorrow and I am terrified they will press charges then. I can't have my family find out. We just lost my dad and my mom who has Alzheimer's lives with me. There is no one else to care for her.


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Fine, no more worrying now. Before you see a investigator, you must take a lawyer with you who will advise you during the interview as the investigator primary objective will be to get you admit the crime. You need to seek advice as soon as possible and wherever you are from ensure that you can get bail. Yes, being legally represented is very important and please do not go on your own to the appointment. You can survive it. Yes, when people find if anything becomes of it they will talk but you have to remain strong. People do not have nothing better to do than to gossip about other people's business. Yes, it may affect you for a while, there will be blaming calling, sneered looks but you need to remain dignified. Ok, you made a mistake but you need to keep calm. Given there is no one else to look after you single living parent, then they be grounds for a suspended sentence. If its first time offence then court might be lenient towards your circumstances. You mind is overdrive at the moment. Can you get a glass of water or do some deep breathing exercise now to calm yourself. We are here for you and we will you through this. No worrying now. Keep posting


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I do not have any legal knowledge, but you are allowed legal representation during the interview and it would make sense given you attending an interview. I strongly recommend it. You need to prepare for the worst just in case and that shows you are determined to live for your daughter. You have to dig deep and be resilient. You are in a vunberable state of mind and the investigator will see that. I sense it now. Please do not fret now as we will support you as we are doing now. You explain your circumstances and your mother's situation. Yes, you might get not sympathy from the investigator but we care. Just keep thinking about us, as we do not judge you and we care about YOU.


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If you are thinking of self-harming, then get an elastic band and keep pulling it as the stinks helps to overcome any thoughts. Your daughter is important and keep focused on that. You can get through tomorrow as it's important you see your daughter when possible. She is the reason for you living your life.


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You need to remember the investigator will pick on vunberability state of mind. You will agree to any answers and any leading questions that will implicate you.Any questions, you need to answer through your lawyer. It's very important as you need to live for your daughter and your mum. You need to find a couple hours of sleep, ensure your daughter is happy, give her the biggest hug and tell her you love her a lot and tell her never never forget that. She the most precious thing in your life at the moment and with that thought she will get you through the meeting, Daughters need their mummies and vice versa. I hope you get my drift. YOU HAVE PURPOSE IN LIVING AND NEVER FORGET THAT.


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Hopefully, you have rationalised the situation and you can see we can help you. Just think I am sitting somewhere in the world and feeling your pain. It's good to talk as all of us do care and we will help through this tough period of your life. Don't fret now, please


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My power is going now. I am in no way trying to go but I hope I gave helped you in seeing in sense that there is a purpose in living. You are important. No more worrying now please. Take care and be safe.


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Hi, no more worrying now, my power is now going. Please keep focused now for tomorrow, yes it's hard but you will survive. I know deep down, even though I don't know personally, you did not mean to steal the money on purpose. Things happens in life but we can overcome anything. Life is about living and helping each other in times of happiness and woes. I hope I have calmed you down and just think we care about YOU. Yes, you cry now but the tears that roll down releases the anguish you feel. It's ok, to cry but we are here for YOU.


i hope you are doing ok. i didn't see your post before (and i'm really sorry for that), but i saw some things you posted in chat earlier today. i just wanted to say that i understand really well all that you are going through, and i'd be happy to talk if you'd like -- it is really scary and intimidating and frustrating, which i know from being on both sides of the process. i am a lawyer, and i'd be happy to talk to you anytime about anything to help you through this.

please don't lose sight of what's important -- your family needs you and you can get through this. send me a message anytime if you want to talk.

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