I hate sundays. The day before Monday. I also hate Saturdays coz I waste the morning getting prepared to be worried about the night because it's the day before Sunday which is the day before Monday. Then I get through the week, watching it drag by, looking forward to the weekend. Repeat.
So you're not alone with that hating Sunday thing.
OOHHH that is great way to put it Confuzzled. I can really relate.
I stay up 1/2 the night on Fridays and slept 1/2 the day on Sat. I am a night person, anyways. The week seems easier cuz the people at work are there, on the weekends they are everywhere. I once had a professional job. I fear my life is over. I don't know when or IF I will ever work again. damn
Sundays used to not bother me when I was married as we were busy doing things, now I am divorced and we really do need a Sunday Blues Club (they can think it is for musicians-haha).
I don't have a job or friends either and I don't go out (except to shop). I feel extremely stuck and unable to get back to being human again. Similarly,
I seem to feel worse physically too. I dont know how to recreate that 'want' to improve.
There have been markets and book fairs and craft sales that would love to attend, but can't force myself to be strong & assertive like I was. I figure, when it is the right time, I will go.
It is nice to not be alone in these impossible things. Thanks!!!