Ok, this is one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had, it started with me being on some sort of old walkway that was floating in the sky. There was a red baloon floating up and i leapt for it, I ended up on the ground somehow with no baloon. I then remember being followed by someone wearing lots of coats all old and ripped and a hood so i can't see him and i run from them and end up cornered where they shoot me. Next thing I know I'm back in the first bit, this happens a few times, it's hard to tell how many untill another man appears on the walkway who is my father in the dream, looks nothing like my real dad and told me something about being able to change your path. I did the same as usual but when corner i managed to get the gun off of the guy chasing me, but then he opened his coat to reveal he had four arms, he knocked me down and two held mine as the other two arms started ripping throung my sides and taking out my rips, when i woke up i had an aching feeling in the sides of my ribs as if someone had been rubbing them really hard and i could almost remember the pain as if it was real... any idea what it might mean, or if it's just a sign of me going insane?