All interesting answers (they always are when it comes to this subject). BTW, I LOVED Mike’s reply, and bewilderment in the irony. Me, I too believe it’s all beyond our comprehension, and quite naturally (we are very small after all, though our individual universes are incredibly vast – still, the little picture is always part of the big picture). I also think we get small glimpses, clues, though we’ll never have the entire puzzle solved. And we’re a race that craves “The Final Answer”.
One of the earliest “observations” I recall noticing many, many moons ago, before I was heavily indoctrinated with religion or introduced to science, was that everything (but EVERYTHING – not one atom left out, before I knew what an atom was mind ye) in Nature gets “recycled” one way or another - so reincarnation never seemed like a far-fetched OR ‘heretical’ notion (nor did it at all leave God out of the equation, or preclude our various faiths! Not to me anyway). Yet then I began to notice sadly that we as humans have willfully taken ourselves outside of that circle – consider ourselves above and beyond and outside of this ongoing process, and so not being able to relate (and therefore fear) the ultimately natural cycle of all things for time immemorial.
Hmmm… where am I going with this? Many believe in an evolution of the spirit… Me, I happened to think that one life is far too short to “make or break” our soul’s progress. I also want to add that out of sheer desperation a few years back, through so much ‘hell’ already, I went to see a psychic (well – HE thought so!) who told me I only have to come back one more time. My immediate thought then as now (and I’m sure some of you would agree) was “um, I don’t ****** think so!” (Yeah, I know, I know – what NERVE I have arguing with The Universe!). Thanks for letting me chew the fat…