Ok so i had an appointment at the police station at 12.30pm and three and a half hours later I finally got to leave.
We went over what I had discussed last week when I went in there and I had to fill in the blanks, and I also had to go back over the initial statement I made a few weeks ago.
I kinda went weird on her as well, couldnt think straight, couldnt rememeber anything that I had said previously. Complete mental blank, I couldnt elaborate any futhur on what I had already said, and I pretty much gave two different stories which was crap. I couldnt make anything out. I pretty much forgot it at soon as I said it the first time.
So two days, six hours, twenty pages, two offices, four phone calls, two pictures, two computers. So many mental blanks and tears and shakes and a couple of asthma episodes and I finally finished what I set out to do.
I chose not to follow it up as my mental health wouldnt be able to withstand the questions and court process. As I have already had several problems over the past few weeks since first reporting it, I have start dissociating more and more, self harming more often. Having more crisis calls to my house.
I have been told about a counselling service that I can get in contact with but the officer is going to see if they can get in contact with me and not me with them because I dont want to make the initial call, as the phone terrifies me. So if they can call me it will make me feel better. So I will have to wait and see.
I guess I am glad that I finally got this out of my system and it is possible that I can follow up on it at a later time, maybe when I am stronger emotionally and am more able to deal with this all. Maybe after I have been in therapy for a while and have learnt to deal with things in a more productive way.
Sorry just crapping on now.