scared and worried

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Well-Known Member
i'm by myself and have everything i need to end my life and no one would notice until way late in the week. i fear i will actually end my life.
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Well-Known Member
I am sorry you are feeling so hurt and suicidal right now. I saw some of your other posts so if I could suggest maybe trying the chat room here. I have never tried it myself but there are people in there to talk with. Or if you could call a crisis line for direct communication. Please hang in there okay, I know it sucks, but you are wanted and you deserve to experience another better day. I admire your courage and intelligence to reach out here. Wishing you all the support and comfort we can and that those feelings will dissipate.


Well-Known Member
I am positive that you are worth the kindness and so much more. I am sorry that you feel this despair, but I am glad that you are here.
I see alot of myself in you.

I have similar dreams to you and without fail wake up in a puddle of sweat every morning.

I once told a friend how suicidal i felt and he actually punched me in the face.

Ive always been the black sheep in the family and was constantly compared to others, nothing i ever did was good enough. Parents are just human beings and have faults like everyone else, they are not always right. I am certain you have qualities and abilities that the people you are being compared to dont have.

I hope this makes you feel that your alone.

I dont want to seem intrusive but when you are ready , i would love to hear a little more about yourself - why you feel suicidal, scared and worried.


Well-Known Member
i feel scared and worried that i will actually end my life since i can right now and no one would notice for so long. i feel suicidal because i have been bullied and tormented for so long that tween that and the pain i live in constantly i don't see the point in living i'm miserable all of the time.
I know at the moment it seems like things are never gonna change but I promise you the bullying will stop, its just a very small chapter in your life and a few years from now it will seem like a lifetime ago. You have your whole life ahead of you and the possibilities are endless.

Im not gonna bullshit you, the torment may linger long after the events but it will in time make you a stronger person.

You cant let them win, get your revenge by following your dreams and achieving more then they ever will.


Well-Known Member
thanks incrisis99
dancingbear i hurt so much not just emotional pain but physical pain. i honestly think being dead would be a kindness to me. not sure tho.
I dont know the circumstances but if its just some injury you've got recently - thats just a matter of time.

Perhaps you could wait until you have healed and then bulk up with exercise or sports so that your body becomes more robust. It will also help with your depression. A strong body also makes your mind stronger.


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Indigo, Dancingbear is right. Any injury will take time to recover and I'm talking from my own experience. Please keep posting, we are all here to help you. TC
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