scars. they’re all over me. i have scars from surgeries, i have scars from cutting. i have scars from burning. and i feel ugly. the big scars, the little scars, they make up a square of the patchwork quilt that is me. and i hate that. i don’t want them to be a part of me. i haven’t accepted them, no matter what people think. i don’t like seeing the huge scars that result from surgery, which i can do nothing about, and i don’t like seeing the smaller ones (relatively) that come from me hurting myself. i know that i can help those ones. but at the same time i can’t. why does stuff have to leave scars? why can’t we just heal up like wolverine? you know, well, not till after we’ve bled and bled and bled. anyway, i am wishing that i could get rid of them. i asked my mum if there was anything i could do about my surgery scars, i’m not about to mention my other scars to her. and she said that they were so big that the only thing would probably be plastic surgery. i’m only 15. i’m supposed to be chasing guys, not worry about scars and stuff. but what guy would take a girl that’s like Frankenstein. sure, most people can’t even see the scars from surgery, but that’s only because they’re not in places that i can (wouldn’t if i could) show off.. so people don’t know that i’m hurting because of these scars. and i wish that i could take them away, but at the same time i don’t know if i would. i would love to live free. but would i just spoil it again?