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Schools Starting Anyone Else Scared?

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I used to be petrified about going back to school - I wouldn't be able to sleep the night before. Those days are long behind me now, thank god.

Remember, when you go back, EVERYONE feels the same. Many might hide it, but you're all in the same boat. But by lunch time, it will be like you never left (although that may be good or bad).

Also please remember that whatever happens in school, be it someone being horrid to you, being told off by a teacher, making a mistake or forgetting your homework; it really DOESN'T MATTER. I know it's hard now, but when you leave school and your real life begins, all that stuff that used to worry you will seem trivial and unimportant.

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The Loner

Active Member
dark_thought said:
I used to be petrified about going back to school - I wouldn't be able to sleep the night before. Those days are long behind me now, thank god.

Remember, when you go back, EVERYONE feels the same. Many might hide it, but you're all in the same boat. But by lunch time, it will be like you never left (although that may be good or bad).

Also please remember that whatever happens in school, be it someone being horrid to you, being told off by a teacher, making a mistake or forgetting your homework; it really DOESN'T MATTER. I know it's hard now, but when you leave school and your real life begins, all that stuff that used to worry you will seem trivial and unimportant.

I agree with you 100%, school should be enjoyed i think as its the best days of your life even if it doesn't seem like it at the time.


The Loner said:
I agree with you 100%, school should be enjoyed i think as its the best days of your life even if it doesn't seem like it at the time.
Oh don't get me wrong I hated school and I certainly don't think it was the best days of my life. I had different problems back then, but to me they were no less serious than the issues I face now.
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