hey all
since i was very young ive been seeing floating objects infront of me.. its like really small white pentagon shapped things in a long strand and sumtimes it curls.. and also i see black things swirling in the left hand side of my left eye
i have perfect vision and they don't cause any pain its just REALLY annoying when u see sumthing moving near u and u jump and its nothin.
i MIGHT goto the opticians 2morrow but i might be given glasses which i really don't want, glasses so wouldn't suit me, contact lens cost alot (i think) and i havn't got a job so won't be able to afford it
if any1 has ANY idea bout these strange floating things PLZ reply i have NO idea wat so ever wat they are
nige :smile:
since i was very young ive been seeing floating objects infront of me.. its like really small white pentagon shapped things in a long strand and sumtimes it curls.. and also i see black things swirling in the left hand side of my left eye
i have perfect vision and they don't cause any pain its just REALLY annoying when u see sumthing moving near u and u jump and its nothin.
i MIGHT goto the opticians 2morrow but i might be given glasses which i really don't want, glasses so wouldn't suit me, contact lens cost alot (i think) and i havn't got a job so won't be able to afford it
if any1 has ANY idea bout these strange floating things PLZ reply i have NO idea wat so ever wat they are
nige :smile: