SF family tree 😺

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Works during the day, doodles at night.
For the record, Gonz loves being a dad.
its going to be great! imagine you’re in my life like real life. every morning at ard 7am sometimes 9am if I sleep in, you’d hear the sound of spongebob squarepants on the tv with netflix and then while leaving the tv on, kitty preparing food so you’d be hearing the mess in the kitchen and then you’d see another mess in the art corner cause after eating and cooking, kitty is having fun colouring. don’t worry, at the end of the day, the house will be clean again before kitty goes to sleep. somedays, if I’m broke, kitty sometimes ask my parents $20 to play with friends. :D


Works during the day, doodles at night.
If I hear the sounds of Spongebob, I will definitely come out to watch it with you. And messes don't particularly bother me, especially if the mess in the kitchen means you made enough to share. And I am broke, but your other dad @Walker is always good for a 20.
hehehe its nice. you get to wake up to delicious meals kitty made and thats just like kitty real life too. kitty goes to aunty, cause my dad allows and when my mum is mean to me. and the fun part is that, kitty cant wait for Gonzie to drive me places cause kitty scared to drive. 👉🏻👈🏻 but while kitty at school, Gonzie gets to play with kitty kittens 😺


Hey @Gonz Does it make you wonder at all if we're two dads, what relationship that makes us here? Just wondering, you know, just cause that's how my brain works.
Just wondering? 'Cause I'm having, like, elaborate fantasies about it. I mean, I'm pretty comfortable in my identity as a straight guy, but I I can't help imagining us as the ultimate power couple, like if Jay-Z and Beyoncé were both dudes, and that's honestly hard to to just dismiss outright, so I guess I'm a little more flexible than I first thought.


Works during the day, doodles at night.
Kitty don’t know whats my dads talking about but kitty wanna hug everybody!!! Yay!! Kitty reuniting with long time friends again after my friends finish military, graduating college, settling into jobs and kitty right on time, having breaks now is nice. Its been long time but Kitty finally hanging out with Daniel, Kayla, Salem, Lionel, Diyana and Febi again!!! 😺😺😺


Works during the day, doodles at night.
idk but kitty wish kitty can share story abt me playing with my friends with someone one day. its sad, its even so rare for someone to even ask me, “hows school today? hows your day been?” haha so petty. kitty does likes to chitchat. anyways, kitty excited for my kitten to come this weekend, to play more with friends and kitty new colouring book coming in early September. Kitty got it cause its different and special than the other colouring books kitty got. 😺🤩
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