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Well-Known Member
I've had one good therapist out of eight attempts. I planned to move back to where she is just to start dealing with some really hard stuff. I called today and SHE DOESN'T WORK THERE ANYMORE!!!
I'm so worried! I hate therapist hunting, especially with my limited insurance. And I reeeaaaally need talk therapy right now. It's time to work out core/repressed issues.
I called today and SHE DOESN'T WORK THERE ANYMORE!!!
They might tell you where she works now if you ask them specifically. It may be that they don't volunteer the info because they want to keep clients within that particular clinic.

What RCG said about doing an online search with her name sounds like it might be good.


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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Sorry to hear she doesn't work there anymore, that sucks, I echo what the others have said but don't be put off, your next therapist might be amazing, you never know. I really hope you find someone who you feel is suitable to treat you with your insurance, best of luck therapist hunting.


Well-Known Member
@Rockclimbinggirl @may71 Thank you guys. I tried googling her, and I tried asking and they just don't know where she is, according to the woman I spoke with. Maybe I should try again tomorrow and ask for a manager just to check. I don't mean to stalk the lady but I imagine everyone here knows the trials of therapy hunting.
@Petal Thank you for the silver lining outlook. It be would be wonderful if it turned out like that!
@sassy123 Thank you. I feel the warmth!


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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You are welcome @Sevven it could potentially work out like that. Positive thinking my friend :)

I know how hard it is to start all over with a new therapist until ye make that connection and bond but stay hopeful and I am sure things could work out in your favour.

Best of luck and let us know how it goes :)
You're welcome! :)

I don't mean to stalk the lady but I imagine everyone here knows the trials of therapy hunting
Yeah, finding a good therapist can be hard. I understand why you'd want to hang on to her.

Maybe I should try again tomorrow and ask for a manager just to check
That sounds like it would be worth a try. Sometimes when I ask the same question to two different people in an organization, I get two completely different answers.

Maybe leaving contact info with them might help. Somewhere down the line they might be in touch with her.


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lord, finding a good therapist is a real crap shoot. I hope you find the one you were looking for. But if not then I really hope you luck out real quickly. It's a tough world trying to find someone randomly that you "click with". Just think if we married people out of the phone book. sheesh!

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