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New Member
I am drunk sick. Beginning to think my teenager would be better off without me. I am a horrible person. A horrible father. Was a horrible husband, son and brother.
I suck. I just want to crawl into a storm drain pay down and die


To Wish Impossible Things
SF Supporter
Hi Pirish

Welcome to SF. I'm sorry things feel so bad right now but I'm glad you found your way here.

When you're depressed it's not uncommon to think your kids (and everyone else) would be better off without you. But that's simply not true, it's our minds lying to us. Your son will never be better off without you. You're his dad and the only one he'll ever have. You may or may not have made mistakes as a parent (and in truth I doubt anyone can say they haven't) but as long as you're around you've got the opportunity to put them right. You deserve that as much as he does.

Do you want to say more about what you think you've done wrong for people to be better off without you?


Outsider in the Realm of Lost and Found
I am drunk sick. Beginning to think my teenager would be better off without me. I am a horrible person. A horrible father. Was a horrible husband, son and brother.
I suck. I just want to crawl into a storm drain pay down and die
I don't think your child is better off without you. Your leave will only make a hole into their soul, the one that makes them crave for something to fill, by any cost, even by doing the same thing that you did.

There is no horrible person in this world would admit that they are horrible, only good people do this sort of thing.


SF Supporter
We are hear to listen and share whenever you want.

If you were a bad person you wouldn't be feeling guilty.....Guilt really messes with a person's mind. And things can possibly be different with your family, definitely with your child in time.


Has a monkey as a friend
Safety & Support
SF Supporter
welcome to SF @Pirish we are a peer community that cares but never judges you. please look in the different forums or go to our chat section if you prefer real time.

you are not a horrible father. all fathers do good things for their children and we all make mistakes. when we make mistakes with our children it hurts us and we do feel bad about it, and it doesn't matter if your kid is 7 or 70 we can still make mistakes.

did your wife say your a bad husband? if she did or not talk to her and tell her how you feel. and i can promise every man makes mistake with his wife. it's never all good or all bad. i hope you feel better soon. and of course if your kid knows you died by suicide it will change him forever and not for the good.



Well-Known Member
Hi, welcome to the forums @Pirish, we're glad to have you here. I'm sorry you're feeling so bad at the moment.

Beginning to think my teenager would be better off without me. I am a horrible person. A horrible father. Was a horrible husband, son and brother.
As Sunspots says, when you're feeling down, it is quite common to think that the people in your life would be better without you. I know I have experienced that before. But I can guarantee it isn't true - your family would miss you a lot and they certainly wouldn't be better off without you.

It sounds like you could be going through a spot of depression. Are you currently in any treatment for depression or the way you are feeling? Maybe this is something to consider and ask the doctor about.

I hope you feel a bit better soon. Stay safe. Sending hugs *brohug.

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