Sorry I havn't been coming on lately my friend from california is staying with me so I dare not risk letting him see this site. This week has just gone by soo shitty though. The girl I like isn't talking to me. I don't understand what she wants, she goes and she'll talk to every guy but me. I don't even know if she thinks we are still "a thing". I AM SO FUCKING CONFUSED!!!!! I've been smoking weed excessively this past week. I can't handle all these feelings anymore. they are just so fucking overwhelming. Its like that song by tupac "Changes"-
"I see no changes. i wake up in the morning and i ask myself
is life worth living should i blast myself? "
i havnt even been wearing my seat belt when i drive, just so if i am by chance i am in an accident hopefully ill die. God damn high school fucking sucks. I hate being here, I hate being alive. People are too inconsiderate of my feelings. I know im a fuck up and i probably dont deserve most of the people around me, but fuck i dont know who's signature this is and im not sure if its exactly right but its so true
"When I don't deserve you
Is when I need you the most"
Im really sorry to whosever sig that is. People see me mopey and theyll laugh and say having a "michael moment there mopey michael?" and they can not fucking see that all they are doing is making me feel worse. I dont ask for much, all i need from people is a couple of fucking steps, i just need them to walk to me, make me feel like i fucking matter. Im just fed up with all my stress. I want a good night sleep, i want a pleasant dream, i just want to be fucking happy. i need someone to care for me
I'm really sorry for the super ramble but ive been going nuts here and i miss you guys
"I see no changes. i wake up in the morning and i ask myself
is life worth living should i blast myself? "
i havnt even been wearing my seat belt when i drive, just so if i am by chance i am in an accident hopefully ill die. God damn high school fucking sucks. I hate being here, I hate being alive. People are too inconsiderate of my feelings. I know im a fuck up and i probably dont deserve most of the people around me, but fuck i dont know who's signature this is and im not sure if its exactly right but its so true
"When I don't deserve you
Is when I need you the most"
Im really sorry to whosever sig that is. People see me mopey and theyll laugh and say having a "michael moment there mopey michael?" and they can not fucking see that all they are doing is making me feel worse. I dont ask for much, all i need from people is a couple of fucking steps, i just need them to walk to me, make me feel like i fucking matter. Im just fed up with all my stress. I want a good night sleep, i want a pleasant dream, i just want to be fucking happy. i need someone to care for me
I'm really sorry for the super ramble but ive been going nuts here and i miss you guys