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Well-Known Member
Everything is going wrong with my world...or at least it seems so. On top of everything that is already going on my mom just told me she is thinking of kicking me out of the house and that I have to make some decisions. I have NO idea why she is doing this. She gave me no reason and I can't think of anything to cause this.

I used to think we had an OK relationship but I guess I was wrong and missing what she was experiencing.


Yeah that isn't that bad, I was thinking if you were like 35 or something.. never know. That sucks *hug


as in your 19 and not someone staying at home at like 35 years of age wondering why your mom wants you to go do something.


Well-Known Member
Ohh lets see here...I have just been diagnosed with Bipolar and am in a deep depression right now. I have missed a lot of school and feel completely trapped. I have another doctors appointment tomorrow...sooo many recently. I also have to decide to tell my parents about it or not. I probably will but I am fairly private as are they and I don't want anything personal said. Just about the disorder.
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