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Just having one of my moods. All I can think about right now is wanting to end it all. Hope it passes.
hey buttterfly, i hope it passes for you... anything set you off???
if it makes it better i am having one of those days to with no apparent reason.


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Just been badly triggered by someone. Someone really irritated me. I wish I could explain right now. Really struggling to put my thoughts to paper to explain. I'm sorry x


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Is there anything you can do to distract yourself? It's nearly bed time, do you think you could get some sleep. Maybe things wont seem so bad tomorrow?



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I'm trying GP hun. I normally write a diary entry when I am riled or upset, but cannot begin to explain. It's so pathetic and stupid that I should have just ignored and it makes me feel even worse that I let it get to me. Hope you are ok hun x
dont feel sorry- its tough to get words onto paper at times.... do something to distrsct yourself if you can??? or listen to goldenpsych and have a sleep.... i find sleep to be a very good distraction.


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I am going to try and watch a dvd or something to take my mind off it, if I can. Would go to sleep but just come off a night shift and slept until 3pm so not really very tired. Thanks for the support guys, hopefully I will feel better soon. x


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Do you like Scrubs? I find that always helps. I've been having a marathon today. Google My Musical season 6. The best episode ever!

I find writing realy helps me as helps me to articulate how I am feeling. Sometimes I can't get the words out and it really helps writing it down. I am lucky I can type fast as it all spills out in no order but then seeing it it helps me gain some order over it and write it all again. I probably write about 3x as much as I publish on my blog as it all comes out in some weird unordered way.

What job do you do? I hate nights!!!!



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I love Scrubs! I so have an unhealthy crush on Dr Cox haha, what a man!

I usually write to articulate my feelings, but I just feel so angry and riled now. So irritated. When I am like this it is hard to get out. I know I am feeling bad if I can't write down my feelings.

I am a student nurse btw :P
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