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Signature info...?


Pink Sponge Winter Queen πŸ’–πŸ§½β­οΈπŸ‘‘
Hey just wondering if someone can please tell me if there is a topic on the rules about signatures on here & if there is, could you please post a link to that topic here? I updated my sig & was happy w/ how it looked it was all Christmas-y & the graphics weren't big nor were there that many...anyway I hope it will be ok for me to have it how I saved it but I'm not seeing it under my posts at all :(


Owner Emeritus
Photos/ uploads are not allowed in signatures/ based on the settings more than any particular rule. Let me look and see what the size and settings are and see if they need adjusting. I do not mind changing settings on a trial basis , but if they get abused will have to change back.


Owner Emeritus
@JMG Should take it now. Will try to leave it set to allow a little more creative freedom of expression so long as it does not become an issue that cause lots of extra moderating or page load issues.


Pink Sponge Winter Queen πŸ’–πŸ§½β­οΈπŸ‘‘
OK tysm @NYJmpMaster , will try it now. Is what I posted that I wanted to use as my sig ok? If I don't get a reply back here then I will just hope that it is, or maybe when I go to save it it will just be blank again after lol. Glad also to know that I wasn't being an idiot about not being able to find any thread on sig rules anywhere on here.

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