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So frustrated

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SF climber
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So I reported my counsellor to his supervisor because he made me feel like I was deserving and responsible for the verbal child abuse that I told him about. I talked with his supervisor today. She told me that she will talk with him and he will send me an email apologizing. That's all.

Like wtf, he put what I like to call a deadly idea into my head. I want the supervisor to talk to and educate all the counsellors, but no she will talk to him. And maybe put up a sign telling students how to complain.


~*Mod Extraordinaire*~
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*hugs* That is something hun, at least he will apologise, him apologising is him admitting he was wrong. You were not and never will be responsible for what happened when you were a child. I know you wanted a better outcome from this but I guess you'll have to accept what they offer, i'm sorry x


SF climber
Staff Alumni
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*hugs* That is something hun, at least he will apologise, him apologising is him admitting he was wrong. You were not and never will be responsible for what happened when you were a child. I know you wanted a better outcome from this but I guess you'll have to accept what they offer, i'm sorry x
Yeah I guess it is something. If it was up to me, he'd be writing essays. I really want them to realize how much pain they've caused me.


SF climber
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I understand that you met with XXX to discuss your complaint about me in our last interaction. I just wanted to touch base to let you know that I did receive your feedback from XXX.

I’m very sorry that you felt I was in some way blaming you or suggesting you were deserving of child abuse. This is definitely not my opinion. I remember saying that what you experienced is not normal or OK in anyway and that in trying to avoid further abuse you were, quite bravely I would add, doing the best that you could. I apologize if I wasn’t clear enough in communicating that the abuse was most certainly not your fault.

I understand if you prefer not to meet with me again. Either way, I hope that you are managing well and that you continue to reach out to XXXXX services if you want or need further assistance.

So this is the apology email that I received.
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