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Someone urgently read this NOW.

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I'm suffering from suicidal feelings, yes, but this is about one of my closest friends on here.
Some of you may know him and i am dead worried sick about him, Broken_Product ie; The_Product, he is planning on killing himself in 2 hours and a half, and i seriously need some help or assistance, or something.

I don't know if this is posted in the correct section, but it is related definetley to suicide.

Can someone help me.. PLEASE? I am in desperate need of it, and i don't know what to say or do, and considering i'm pretty much the same as him, i don't know what to do, can someone just help him? Anything at all? Anyone? Please? I haven't got much time left to help him, he says his minds made up, but i really REALLY don't wanna loose him, i really do not, he means the world to me, can someone just help?


SF Friend & Antiquitie's Friend
Staff Alumni
hun all you can do is be there for him.be his friend.can you bring him into chat.i dont really know him at all but i do know of people here who care about him a great deal.hopefully reminding him of that will help.remind him he may not see a solution to his problems now and they may not come right away but everything in life is temporary it wont always be this way and we will be here to see him through this time.just make sure he knows he has you for a friend.:hug:


I told him to go into the chat, i said i couldnt come in because im under moderation, but some want to speak to him, so yeah.. um.. hes coming on.. i think.. i hope.. just someone help him and keep him alive, at least alive. :(
he told me on MSN yesterday, that he was goin to die in 30 minutes....:sad: I havn't seen him online since.... that's actually why I came back, to ask if someone knew if he was okay.... apparently not :sad:


product said thankyou sarah, because the social worker he spoke to said that he shouldnt need to kill himself they will do it for him, if he has another breathing relapse or something, then they will give him an overdose of morphine :/
what the fuck is wrong with this world


Account Closed
no that is not way bad.
it is way deep.
broken produst i hope u are ok.
and so chocked up by the burdon you carry. i can only hope you continue with us here for all the presious time you have. i support u in more ways then i can say.
Hi all

Kurt is a great mate of mine.

I know he is in pain and for that im sorrry.

But between us all we can help and do what we can do.

He is a honoury highlander now....arnt you Kurt.

The battle cry of the McIntosh...."Loch Moy"...thats our battle cry mate.

Wish i was nearer to be with you.

I have pain but not like yours but we are both highlanders hang on in there ok.

Om here for you at anytime...Your good mate Campbell
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