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I've had the means for quite some time. I've had the plan for a fair while. I have said it's only a matter of time and now that time is nearly upon me. I can almost feel the relief already.


No need to be like that, it's been a long time coming. I would even go as far as to say that it's overdue.


Why? And please don't give me that tripe about it being "a permanent solution to a temporary problem". That's utter bollocks and you know it as well as I do.


Well-Known Member
We all die, why rush to a conclusion that we all must face befroe experiencing other things that are impossible beyond death?

Whatever little things give you pleasure, plan them first. i myself love trips to London :)
I can't give you a reason to live, you can't expect that from me.
And I know how you feel, been there.
And I won't tell you that crap with "Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem". Besides, suicide is not a solution at all, you stop to exist, that is all, you'll feel no releif, you'll feel ... you WON'T feel anymore. And I know that sounds quite appealing when you are in pain, on the edge, but it's an END to all you've ever been and ever could be, that's all. No good will come if you suicide, for anyone, not for those who love you and not for you, by the simple fact that you WON'T be anymore.
I know that I sound like a smartass, sorry!
Please reconsider


We all die, why rush to a conclusion that we all must face befroe experiencing other things that are impossible beyond death?

Whatever little things give you pleasure, plan them first. i myself love trips to London :)
Nothing gives me pleasure anymore. Not even little things.
I can't give you a reason to live, you can't expect that from me.
And I know how you feel, been there.
And I won't tell you that crap with "Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem". Besides, suicide is not a solution at all, you stop to exist, that is all, you'll feel no releif, you'll feel ... you WON'T feel anymore. And I know that sounds quite appealing when you are in pain, on the edge, but it's an END to all you've ever been and ever could be, that's all. No good will come if you suicide, for anyone, not for those who love you and not for you, by the simple fact that you WON'T be anymore.
I know that I sound like a smartass, sorry!
Please reconsider
Of course suicide is a solution. And I'm fully aware that I won't feel anything afterwards as I won't exist. That is what is drawing me towards it. Not feeling anything. It sounds so simple and beautiful.


Well, I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer. The "event" that would have given me the opportunity to do this and successfully make it look like an accident has been cancelled due to the weather. Fucking typical.
I know I'm annoying you but I am glad to hear that.
I hope you'll reconsider and you'll do what's really the best for you, whatever it is. :sad:
I'll go now. Sorry, I know I didn't help.


I won't reconsider. There is nothing left for me to take into account. Opportunity it all that I wait for... again.
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