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Sorry if this is the wrong place but i am realy realy scared

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my boyfriend is missing its been 3 hours...
He's in an another country with his parents and i talk to all of them all day...
So now its 3 am where they are, and its been like 30 min...
His little sisiter just told me he's missing.. im callling him but he's cell phone is shut down.... Im realy realy scared.... They already warned the police....
plz.... i swear im soo scared.... im still talking to his sis on the internet...his mom is crying...
i know my problem isnt much.... but god! it feels so bad.... he was supposed to get back home 3rd september... Plz guys pray for him.... i know ur thinkin he could be just fooling around, but he's not h e's a 17 year old guy that is smart and wise and takes care after his twin 9 year olds baby sisters...
he was on his way to buy some beer for his mom....
the worst part is I CANT DO ANYTHING.... but sit here and think over and over again... crying doesnt help... i let it all out... but nothing there's more... im always scared...
thank you... everything counts now... i SWEAR WHEN HE COMES BACK IM GONNA KICK HIS BUTT!!!!...GOD!.... thank you all for praying... its more then enough....
I'm pretty sure that everything will be okay, atleast, I hope it will...I suggest you just go to sleep right now, and when you wake up, you can find out everything...
today @ 7:30 am... His sister told me that...
i didnt have the chance to talk to him yet... he had to go to the police with his dad... appenrantly he was attacked since he had no passport or paper...
Now my baby is still sleeping.... Im waiting for him to wake up...
I wanna thank you all for what u have done and for thinking about us.... Youn guys dont know how happy I am now...
Im sooo glad he is safe... i want him back home....
PS: sorry for my late reply.... i didnt think clearly...
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