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St Johns wort?

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Well-Known Member

I've heard that taking St Johns wort can help with the symptoms of depression. Does anyone know what it is and if it actually helps?
Also does anyone know any effective ways of stopping self harming? I hate the maks on my arms, at the moment I have been smoking weed to help me feel better but I dont think its really a permenant solution (and I usually cut anyway)

Thanks x


SF & Antiquitie's Friend
Staff Alumni
Hi querida, St John's Wort is a herbal remedy, also known as hypericum. It is for depression and anxiety, it can be very effective if ure depression is mild.
It is thought that St John's Wort may affect serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine uptake.
So is basically a natural anti depressant without the side effects.
hope this is some help.

Take care Hazel x
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