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It was on the news today that suicide in Scotland is higher than anywhere else in the UK... thinking I might go add myself to the statistics, especially as the girls are playing catch up. Be a shame to let the guys win!
Oh hun, please don't :hug: :hug: :hug:
I know there is a lot happening at the moment, but please don't do that...
I don't have any practical advice to offer you, but we would miss you so much if you weren't here :hug:
No Sarah, please don't become a statistic.:sad: I like you very much as a friend, I would not like you to become a number. Please. Take my hand. We can lean on each other. I love you, Sarah.:smile:
Well, I survived the night... didn't sleep a wink just cut and cut all night. Is survival on these terms classed a good thing do you reckon?! :unsure: But thank you all for your replies... always think it's nice to know who your friends are.
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