stopping seems impossible

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Well-Known Member
I keep b/p. It feels like I have absolutely no control over it, and then soon as I do it, I feel like shit. I feel like a loser, but I also feel like it's the only thing I have in my life for comfort. And here I am, feeling like I can't tell anyone or ask anyone for help because I am doing this to myself, I feel absolutely powerless to stop.


Banned Member
Hi swimmergirl. I'm going to assume that b/p stands for binging and purging, but correct me if I'm wrong. Eating disorders are awful and have a psychological component to them, which is why they are so difficult to overcome. You have to figure out, why exactly are you doing it? Why overeat and then throw it all up after? You have the power to stop and you are not a loser. :hug:
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