Strange things that lift you up...

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Well-Known Member
I was feeling utterly horrible today, I mean really bad. It's a bad anniversary coming up and the time caught me off guard.

I went out back for a smoke to calm down and stop crying and my dog was pestering me to thow this little squeaky toy can she has. I gave in and threw it and as she charged across the garden she came back for me to throw it again.

Ten minutes later, after wrestling, dancing and playing with the dog I was smiling. She was such good company and it touched my heart.

It's a strange thing to get lifted by, hence the title of my thread!

What strange things have lifted you up/do lift you up?
strangely enough i have found that walking in the rain with music on really helps me feel better.

it gives me chance to think about why i feel like shit and move on from it


Antiquities Friend
I like to ride my bicycle to the middle of a large athletic field after dark. I get an enormous panoramic view of the sky with it's clouds, moon, stars, far off blinking aircraft and with little light pollution.


Well-Known Member
I like to ride my bicycle to the middle of a large athletic field after dark. I get an enormous panoramic view of the sky with it's clouds, moon, stars, far off blinking aircraft and with little light pollution.
This reminds me of an area- It was on low ground, there was a cyclist riding in the fading light, it was summer, August- I remember his lights as I sprinted into an empty football field (and collapsed) - the goalposts glowed in the dark. That was back in 07 but, your post bought up the memory. I was about to buy a bike myself.


Antiquities Friend
This reminds me of an area- It was on low ground, there was a cyclist riding in the fading light, it was summer, August- I remember his lights as I sprinted into an empty football field (and collapsed) - the goalposts glowed in the dark. That was back in 07 but, your post bought up the memory. I was about to buy a bike myself.
Plates, my OCD, nerves and depression have painted my daily existence into a small corner but zipping around on a bicycle is often an incredible adventure. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Okay this is weird but you folks are family so I will admit to it.

Incense...yup the smell of incense really affects does not lift me up in the joyful happy sense but rather in a comforting, everything is going to be okay way.

Well you asked..
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