ive got four tats,done by a good mate of mine called glen,he also done the swallows on robbie williams and a couple of others for him.mine have a meaning,a heart with my eldest daughters initials inside it,2 skulls in remembrance of 2 very good friends that i lost(one in the army and one got shot working the doors with me),i also have a howling wolf which has a spiritual meaning to me.the last one is of a guardian angel with 2 small girls sat one either side of her,this one i had for my 2 daughters in the hope that if anything ever happened to me then thay would have a guardian angel to look after them.
i will have more,as and when the time comes,i didnt find that having them hurt but i found that when youre having them done the feeling becomes almost addictive.its hard to explain but when/if you have one done then im sure you will understand what i mean.