My current Avatar Is a cat that I got from our local animal shelter, I use to make bi- weekly visits to the shelter, I am a supporter of the shelter My First Cat was a Black and White Maine Coon Cat I got him when I was 7, I lost him when I was 28 he lived 21
years His name Was Thimbles .
I had my quota of 4 cats, that is what I had decided on as a maximum number that I could keep and properly take care of, this cat was at the Shelter for 6 1/2 months she was too wild no one could pick her up she could not be held, they had to open the door and she would climb out to the top of the cages I had discovered that she like feathers or maybe it would be better to say she hated feathers because she literally shredded Feathers wherever and whenever she came across one. I took her home one day, within 2 weeks she was my best Friend, she was by my side always when in the house, I had a fairly large veg garden, she helped me to tend that as well as almost everything I did she was there planting hoeing weeding and even watering. It took me quite a time to name her, nothing seemed to fit her there was nothing about her that I could say, yup that's her! She was a quiet cat until it was feeding time or when I came home from work, then she went bananas, she thanked me every day multiple times for giving her a home, she would walk between my feet meowling, crying and purring, rolling over and over. I could not walk while this was going on she was slender and supple, her fur was softer then Velvet, I have never felt another cats fur as soft an smooth as hers. If I ran my fingers through her fur the trails my fingers made stayed there it would look like she had ridges on her back I named her Willow Whisper she was a willowy as a willow tree an she was as Gentle as a whisper, I got her on the 21st of January 2009 I Lost her on November 2nd 2013, She had slept on my bed, for the 2 nights previous it was strange most cats moved around she lay down between me an the edge of my bed on my bedspread her feet to the edge her back against my legs with her head near my pillow, she never moved all night she got up after I was in bed. did not move until I started to get up in the morning, She gave herself completely to me, I have never before had an animal like her. I never will again, she changed my Life. I have more tales to tell about her, She almost meant as much to me as the One True love of My Life, who also had Changed my Life, without those two figures in my Life, I Would never be happy again! Thank You for giving me the opportunity To Share one of my Loves