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Tell us about your avatar!!


Well-Known Member
My avatar explains how lonely and stuck in my own head I am. During my 20 year battle with Agoraphobia, depression, ocd and panic disorder I've spent a lot of time alone and in my own head. During the darkest period of my life (so far) I started watching some Big bang theory. The girl that plays Penny (Kaley) really just hit me hard. Kaley/Penny was a shining light in an otherwise dark abyss. Even after getting better she is still on my mind and heart.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not obsessed or think I'm going to be with her lol. However, I do feel like crying knowing that I will never get to tell her how she brought me happiness all by playing a character. I don't follow celebrity or entertainment (I don't pay any attention to Kaley's life as it's none of my business) so for me to feel this way is quite amazing.

As a thiest I pray for Kaley's salvation, healing and safety, I just don't know if it will do any good.

That's how low, pathetic and depressing my life is.
Sorry that you've been through so much Stuart.

Kaley/Penny was a shining light in an otherwise dark abyss. Even after getting better she is still on my mind and heart.
I'm glad she was such an inspiration to you.
However, I do feel like crying knowing that I will never get to tell her how she brought me happiness all by playing a character.
In principle it might be possible. If she has a public social media account for example, you could post on it and maybe there's a chance that she'd see it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry that you've been through so much Stuart.

I'm glad she was such an inspiration to you.

In principle it might be possible. If she has a public social media account for example, you could post on it and maybe there's a chance that she'd see it.
Thank you for the response. I tend to doubt celebrities run their social media accounts. I believe they will have someone else do it for them.


No longer suicidal after 8 years of depression
My avatar explains how lonely and stuck in my own head I am. During my 20 year battle with Agoraphobia, depression, ocd and panic disorder I've spent a lot of time alone and in my own head. During the darkest period of my life (so far) I started watching some Big bang theory. The girl that plays Penny (Kaley) really just hit me hard. Kaley/Penny was a shining light in an otherwise dark abyss. Even after getting better she is still on my mind and heart.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not obsessed or think I'm going to be with her lol. However, I do feel like crying knowing that I will never get to tell her how she brought me happiness all by playing a character. I don't follow celebrity or entertainment (I don't pay any attention to Kaley's life as it's none of my business) so for me to feel this way is quite amazing.

As a thiest I pray for Kaley's salvation, healing and safety, I just don't know if it will do any good.

That's how low, pathetic and depressing my life is.
*hug, I am sorry to hear about your problems
I also suffer from agoraphobia depression anxiety disorders and also feel my life is sad and depressing. Hope you feel better soon


Well-Known Member
*hug, I am sorry to hear about your problems
I also suffer from agoraphobia depression anxiety disorders and also feel my life is sad and depressing. Hope you feel better soon

*brohugThank you. Agoraphobia is a horrifc illness. I spent 4 months straight in my room. Funnily enough, my escape was binge watching horror movies and south park


No longer suicidal after 8 years of depression
*brohugThank you. Agoraphobia is a horrifc illness. I spent 4 months straight in my room. Funnily enough, my escape was binge watching horror movies and south park
Wow thats what i do too! I stay home and binge watch horror movies too!
What are your favorites?


Well-Known Member
Oh God, I went right into movies that were/are banned. The more violent and graphic the better.

Maniac 1980 - Awesome
Inside - French movie
Friday the 13th's - who doesn't like those :P
Mostly anything from the 70's or 80's

What are your faves?


No longer suicidal after 8 years of depression
Oh God, I went right into movies that were/are banned. The more violent and graphic the better.

Maniac 1980 - Awesome
Inside - French movie
Friday the 13th's - who doesn't like those :P
Mostly anything from the 70's or 80's

What are your faves?
I have watched lots. I love horror and psychological thrillers

Jacob's ladder
Goodnight Mommy
M3gan was pretty cool, but not really scary felt more like comedy
The Conjuring
The ring
the call
Rent a pal
Black Christmas
Eden Lake
cabin in the woods

Are all ones i have watched quite recenty


Well-Known Member
I have watched lots. I love horror and psychological thrillers

Jacob's ladder
Goodnight Mommy
M3gan was pretty cool, but not really scary felt more like comedy
The Conjuring
The ring
the call
Rent a pal
Black Christmas
Eden Lake
cabin in the woods

Are all ones i have watched quite recenty
Black Christmas is a classic. I watch that every christmas. Have you heard of August Underground?


Well-Known Member
It's a trilogy. You can only buy them online. There's not much plot but if you want to see things your brain won't unsee it's worth trying to find them. The 2nd one, August Underground's Mordum is easily the most vile and disturbing film I've seen.
Thank you for the response.
You're welcome
I tend to doubt celebrities run their social media accounts. I believe they will have someone else do it for them.
I think that's correct, at least most of the time. They may have some awareness of what's posted on their accounts though.

There's also sometimes opportunities to get celebrity autographs. Not all celebs offer them. There's also no guarantee that a celebrity will be in a good mood when you see them, assuming you can find them.


Well-Known Member
You're welcome

I think that's correct, at least most of the time. They may have some awareness of what's posted on their accounts though.

There's also sometimes opportunities to get celebrity autographs. Not all celebs offer them. There's also no guarantee that a celebrity will be in a good mood when you see them, assuming you can find them.
Yeah true. I don't put much stock in Celebrities, i get the feeling most of them are deeply unhappy. I'd say Kaley/Penny is the only one I really pray for. I just hope someday I'll see her in Heaven :(
This kid you see in my avatar is from a Japanese comedy manga and animated series, he's name is yuzu, full name Yuzuhiko Tachibana, and I chose him as avatar cuz he is totally like me, not apperance but personality, he is introvert and thinks a lot before saying anything.(And trust me I sometimes think this character is not imaginary I feel like the creators of this cartoon know about me 🐣).
They say a picture can tell a thousand words which I believe is very true! So, why did your choose your avatar? Is it personal to you? Is it an icon you look up to? Nature, perhaps?

Tell us all about your avatar;

My avatar is basically self explanatory, I do care and try to assist as many people on here that I can so that is why I chose my avatar as I have!

I'd love to read how you picked your avatar and why, so please share!!

It’s the first time I ever took a risk in baking. I wanted to make something aside from the standard cake, brownie or cookie. I was looking up cream puff recipes and found one for a pastry called “Karpatka”


Kangaroo Manager
SF Pro
SF Supporter
This kid you see in my avatar is from a Japanese comedy manga and animated series, he's name is yuzu, full name Yuzuhiko Tachibana, and I chose him as avatar cuz he is totally like me, not apperance but personality, he is introvert and thinks a lot before saying anything.(And trust me I sometimes think this character is not imaginary I feel like the creators of this cartoon know about me 🐣).
Good to have you with us and welcome. I am also another introvert. This is a good place for you to explore and get to know the forum and the members we have.

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