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Tell us about your username


Well-Known Member
I chose a term as my username at a time when I judged myself to possess no uniqueness nor passion besides my affinity for words. They’re simple, self-explanatory, and, most of all, they project meaning to an otherwise chaotic, hellish existence. I decided if there were one word I could use to describe myself, it would be “Inanimate” because my emotions and convictions felt, at best, superficial, and my life—empty and mechanical. To this day, I’ve had no cause to change it.

Innocent Forever

Staff Alumni
SF Supporter
I chose a term as my username at a time when I judged myself to possess no uniqueness nor passion besides my affinity for words. They’re simple, self-explanatory, and, most of all, they project meaning to an otherwise chaotic, hellish existence. I decided if there were one word I could use to describe myself, it would be “Inanimate” because my emotions and convictions felt, at best, superficial, and my life—empty and mechanical. To this day, I’ve had no cause to change it.
My username has a bittersweet meaning to me, and is also a memory I have from a former short lived partner who said she liked the statement after I said it to her.

A part of me looks forward to my last day, so tomorrow would be one step closer to that. Also if I'm having a bad day, I look forward to the next because I look at it as at least it won't be today anymore, even if it won't be any better. At the same time, tomorrow could also be a chance to learn, grow, maybe make something better than it was in the past.
Douglas was my dad's middle name, and my middle name is Whitney.

However this accidentally made my name the same as a distant cousin who disowned me, Doug White. He's one of my only 2 actual biological relatives, my mom's cousins. Both cut me off after she died - they're in their 70s and hadn't really known me since I was a kid anyway. Kinda painful reminder having this username.


Well-Known Member
Douglas was my dad's middle name, and my middle name is Whitney.

However this accidentally made my name the same as a distant cousin who disowned me, Doug White. He's one of my only 2 actual biological relatives, my mom's cousins. Both cut me off after she died - they're in their 70s and hadn't really known me since I was a kid anyway. Kinda painful reminder having this username.
🤗 I’m sure there is a lot of pain and emotion behind your username. Same time it is a bit of your past and identity that you have left and know about your family. All this time I never knew this about you. Glad you felt comfortable to share this about your username. Interesting how some parents name them after themselves or relatives. My first and last name is parts of my moms and my grandmas name. 🤗
It is what I long for. I often ask myself inside my head "Why live? Why keep doing this? Why this or that", and there's no answer ever, only another question follows. I want to find myself one day, The Answer. I am looking for the answer to shut up these questions that flood my brain. I hope everyone here can find their answer, or whatever they may be looking for.

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