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Ten True Confessions

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Well-Known Member
10 - i hate bugs
9 - goofy retarded
8 - mostly ignored
7 - greedy
6 - my stomach is messed up due to drug abuse
5 - always let the ladies go in front so i can stare
4 - i hate myself
3 - i hate the world
2 - i hate rich people
1 - i hate waiting
10: I want a hug
9: I think all this lying is stupid
8: I've been feeling a little down recently so I haven't been leaving the house
7: I hate how I look and it's depressing me
6: I think my Dad is being a little childish
5: I'm sorry for everything I put him through
4: I hope he knows that ^
3: I want a pet
2: I wish I was less insecure
1: I think I'm starting to feel better about it and I don't know if I'm pleased with that or not.
1.) I believe in God, but I have a fairly wide belief about religion in general.
2.) I subscribe to the absurdist philosophy.
3.) I bought an iPod touch last October but still haven't used it.
4.) I love heavy metal, but I occasionally listen to Sarah Brightman and other classical singers when I'm in a stressed mood.
5.) I have knees that pop and ache constantly, making it very painful to run for exercise. My doctor is restricting me to bikes and swimming.
6.) I bought an exercise bike so I can burn calories in the evening, and the fact that I can play Xbox while I do it is cake.
7.) When nobody is around, I like to rate my belches and farts.
8.) My girlfriend said to me the other day, "I hate you! You're so happy all the time!" Weird.
9.) I'm about to get a completely unnecessary surgery.
10.) My girlfriend mothers me too much, even to the point of tying my scarf for me or fussing at me when I forget my pain meds. I kind of like it. :)


Staff Alumni
10. I don't believe in a God, even though I'd really like to believe that there is one. But deep down, I do not. I respect those who practice religion. I wish I were like that too.
9. I'm pretty lonely nowadays, but it's nothing new. I am a loner, and it's not something I'm particularly proud of.
8. SF is my life. It's what I wake up to do. It has taken the place of Runescape (the browser game I logged 114 days of game time on over the past two years on one account - I had other accounts before dating back to when I was 10 or 11). I quit in March 2011. And I LOVE being on SF.
7. I have had a tough September dating back to 2009. In both 2009 and 2010, I had to drop out of something (2009 - public high school, 2010 - community college).
6. My parents think I have Asperger's, as do the mental health professionals I have seen in the past. My eye contact abilities/habits leave a lot to be desired.
5. The only thing I'm proud of regarding myself is my compassion. A lot of people care like I do. So, so many. Innumerable. Apart from that, very little to embrace.
4. I have parents and sisters that are as caring as I could ever ask for.
3. Sleep is very important for my well-being, although I neglect it often when I know better than that.
2. I don't know whether this medicine is helping me. I do know that my carelessness with taking meds ever since I moved out is disappointing and there are no excuses.
1. I for some reason in certain mindsets can't think of any time that I have ever been truly satisfied or "happy" (I don't like using the term "happy" much). I also in these mindsets don't like talking about my problems much, and I don't like to feel sorry for myself. It's strange how everything works. Mind-boggling sometimes. :unsure:
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Growing Pains

Well-Known Member
Eh, I'll give this a try.

10. Most of the things my mother does annoy me.
9. I've never had a close relationship with my siblings. In fact, I can't even say I love them and mean it.
8. I hate that I haven't been able to pay on my WOW account because WOW was keeping me sane for a long period of time and hey, I was socializing to some extent.
7. The last good Christmas I had was in 2007. Every Christmas thereafter has brought nothing but bad things.
6. I have many thoughts and believes that others would find heinous. (Including the fact that I would be in full support of a 1 or 2 child policy)
5. I have never loved any human being - ever, not even family - as much as I love my dogs.
4. To add to number four, I barely cried at all when my step father died (he and my mother were divorced at the time, but he was still an integral part of my life). I cried much more when I lost my Shetland Sheepdog back in January. (Heck, I still cry over her)
3. I think it's stupid how my sisters claim to love our father yet never really knew him.
2. I do not love him.
1. I often wish I had grown up rich. I know it wouldn't necessarily make me happy, but I often feel inferior to people who are rich. As stupid as that sounds.
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Well-Known Member
1. I've stopped contacting and even avoiding my friends because I think I'm gonna die soon anyway. Why bother.
2. I found out a few weeks ago that actually I have been suffering from ADHD. It is so severe that I can't function.
3. Eleven years ago, I decided to have a dog hoping that my desire to commit suicide would be less stronger but I learned later that it's irrelevant.
4. My parents love me very much but both of them can get pissed way too easily. When they're pissed, they act and say hurtful things. It's too hard for me to cope.
5. My 25 years old brother is really a waste of space. All he ever does is playing online games.
6. There's absolutely nothing for me to be proud of myself.
7. I overdosed on sleeping pills a couple of times to self harm, but I won't do that anymore as I have to save the pills for my actual suicide attempt.
8. I've been vegetarian for 6 or 7 years now. Probably my own suffering and sadness make me sympathize with the poor, scared, defenseless animals in farms and slaughter houses. Besides, no one ever dies by not eating animal flesh, and the fact is we humans only satisfy our greed at the cost of other beings' life.
9. I may not commit suicide if next year they make a movie for a show I've been obsessed with for more than 10 years. It has been the only major source of my happiness all these years.
10. I had a crush on 8 of my female teachers in school and uni. I still don't know if it was some kind of mental disorder or not. I didn't stalk them or made they uncomfortable though. Most of them didn't even know. I was more like their secret admirer :shy:
10 ~ I don't believe there is a God. The reasons behind that are really complex. Although I believe everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, I will not put up with people trying to force their beliefs onto me.

9 ~ I am a very jealous person, though I think I hide it pretty well. I can be envious of pretty much anything, and have been for as long as I can remember. This is one of the biggest things I hate about myself. I also thinks it ties in with my ridiculously high insecurities.

8 ~ I don't leave my flat, which means I don't see anyone except my workers on a regular basis. Strangely, the last time I properly left my flat was to go to USA, but in order to do so, I had to drug myself up to the eyeballs so I could stay calm.

7 ~ According to a lot of people, I am very stubborn. Although at times I can see this is true, other times, it offends me. I do admit I can have quite strong willpower, but not with good, healthy, normal things.. so it's not really a 'quality' more another bad trait.

6 ~ I have very strong mood swings. I can go from loving/liking someone one day, to hating them the next, and then back again. I've been told this is part of my BPD, but regardless of where it stems from it is something that really upsets me. I try to acknowledge when I'm doing this now, so I can try and work through it, instead of cutting people out of my life. The only person I have not felt this way properly about is my partner.

5 ~ I am petrified of spiders, moths, ANY creepy crawlies and rodents.. everytime I hear any type of sound, inconspicuous or not, I almost have a panic attack. I'm also terrified of leaving the flat, most people, talking on the telephone, anyone who knocks on my door, and what people think of me.

4 ~ I don't think I have any real achievements. When I was younger it was that I'd managed to get my life together despite all the statistical evidence that someone like me couldn't. But then I lost it all. Although it makes me feel like shit, the only silver lining is that no one cares enough to be proud of me even if I did manage any kind of achievement, so I've failed no one but myself.

3 ~ The things that annoy me most about other people are rudeness, ignorance, arrogance, liars, troublemakers, bullies, and self centered-ness. However because I crave to be liked, I will put up with all of this, if that means that person will care.

2 ~ I double guess everyones actions. If someone does something nice for me, or says something nice about me, I am immediately suspicious and wonder what their motive is, or assume that they say it to everyone. However, if someone does something horrible to me, I usually take it without complaint because I think I deserve it.

1 ~ I hate myself. Not just a little bit, but so much so that I frequently want to tear the skin from my flesh, gouge out my eyes, and many other unpleasant things, just because I can't stand me. I hate the way I look, the way I think, my voice, my personality.. the only half decent thing about me is my eyes.
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