The End

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Heavenly Star

Well-Known Member
I've had enough of life. Today will be my last day alive. I can't cope with it all anymore. There is not one aspect of my life that is good. I have nothing to live for. My family dislike me, i have no friends, i've never had a relationship with anyone, I have no job, no money (and a lot of bills), i'm ugly and have no personality. I'm just a waste of a life. I just want to die so i don't have to feel like this anymore. I'm actually looking forward to it. No one will miss me. They probably won't even notice i'm gone.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who's ever replied to any of my posts and hope all of you take care, stay safe and lead happy and fulfilling lives like you all deserve.

It's too late for me.


Antiquitie's Friend
It's never too late for anyone, problems seem insurmountable at times,but there not. No ones life is a waste, you can't change,learn or love if you're dead.
Try and speak to someone about how you feel.
Money can be earned,debts can be sorted, and friends can be made. It won't be easy, but you can get through this. Please hang in there, the people here do care about you.
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El Mas

Active Member
Dude you know how many people have felt like this? Ya aint the first and you wont be the last. Hang in there. It'll pass might take days or years Be youll find a spot in the world were you belong. Hopefully it wont be six feet under. You may not believe it now but youre worth a whole lot. Don't sell yourself short


Well-Known Member
Hi Heavenly Star.

It's never too late for anyone, just like the others have said before me.
You're definitely not a waste of a life either!
There's still time to patch things up with your family, ways can be found to pay bills and you have the rest of your life to make friends and get a job.
People on here will miss you, and I can assure you that no matter how bad things are with your family, they'll miss you too.
Please don't give up Heavenly Star, there's always hope and you never know, tomorrow might be the day your life will start to get better...

:hug: If you need someone to talk to, I'm here.


Well-Known Member
This may sound obscure, but I've just read Russell Brand's biography, he was in almost EXACTLY the same position you're in, and look at him now!! I bet he's glad he decided not to end it all, I've seen pictures of him from years ago as well, you'd hardly recognise him.

Please consdier how you'll be in the future, nobody knows, you could be missing out on something brilliant by ending your life.
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