The Metal Music Thread


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Oh-no, Sadly~ @Flying Fox . . . I'm not much up to speed on the metal, genre! : ) it pains me to say // for who was once so devoted (like say, the 80s Until... I don't know? some-time, "this Century!" Let's say ;) so I appreciate your efforts & others: such as @Auri to 'educate,' me--or "school_me~." on the style of music for which I was once so passionate (basically from childhood up to & thru some of adulthood!) -& the funniest thing was, for the longest time - I'd tell my^self~ *We'll NEVER Out-Grow, "this music!!!" And I meant it, at the time, for oh-so _ very long! I truly did, @Flying Fox & @Auri - and/or, 'among others. . '

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