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The Well.

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There was once a man that was thirsty, so he took a walk 10 miles from his home to the well. The problem was that every time he made it home from the well he was thirsty and needed to go back again.

His neighbour would often wonder why he was walking up and down all the time past his gate. So he asked him why he walked around so much.

The man replied that he was thirsty and had to go to the well. His neighbour laughed good naturedly and pointed out that the man had a well right outside his front door.

The man looked astounded, because plain as the nose on his face was a well right outside his front door. How could he not have seen it? It was right there all the time, yet he would walk for miles to get a drink.

One thing was certain, the man had all the water he needed and never had to venture far from his home.

There is a moral to this story.

Alot of times people thirst for justice, acceptance, love and the various other things that humans need. So they go and look for it, like the man they walk ten miles to try to get to what they think it is that they crave. We find it in things outside of ourselves, we find it in friends, music for some drugs and alcohol, for other religion. We will travel great lengths to receive love.

Yet all this time the thing we thirst for is ourselves, recognition and love for ourselves, and we need not go far for that.

For whatever you are thirsting, you are the well of your own happiness.


Staff Alumni
Hi there

Thanks for sharing.. I think the moral of that story is true indeed. It's given me something to think about.. thanks

Jenny said:
Hi there

Thanks for sharing.. I think the moral of that story is true indeed. It's given me something to think about.. thanks

I am glad it has inspired you to reflect on it.

If there is anything I can do to help.


I thought this lesson inspiring as well, and wise. Yet I cannot help but ask...

Ah, what if that precious well has run dry?
Or if the bucket has a hole, with nothing to mend it with...



Well-Known Member
I always enjoy hearing these sort of stories. Stories are the way to teach children and adults alike or so I was raised. They do not judge or speak harshly but rather share on an experience and bring learning through wisdom and gentleness and not ego. I would love to hear more. :hug:

FoundAndLost1 said:
I thought this lesson inspiring as well, and wise. Yet I cannot help but ask...

Ah, what if that precious well has run dry?
Or if the bucket has a hole, with nothing to mend it with...

Found and Lost.

The well can never be dry, it is a spring eternal.

There is so much water in the well you can scoop it up with your hands and not need a bucket.

Perhaps its time to go to the well.
Mia said:
I always enjoy hearing these sort of stories. Stories are the way to teach children and adults alike or so I was raised. They do not judge or speak harshly but rather share on an experience and bring learning through wisdom and gentleness and not ego. I would love to hear more. :hug:

Thank you MIa,

That is a story of my own.

I would love to share more, so just keep watching the threads.


Hey Guru, welcome to the forum. Good story, good job we have a short stories section for them.


Would be handier for you to start a thread in the story section and post a new one each time, gathering the collection. :)
IrishPaddy said:
Would be handier for you to start a thread in the story section and post a new one each time, gathering the collection. :)
An excellent idea.

However I posted it here because i was UNCERTAIN where it went.

Thank you for clearing that up for me.


GuruSwaharati said:
Found and Lost.

The well can never be dry, it is a spring eternal.

There is so much water in the well you can scoop it up with your hands and not need a bucket.

Perhaps its time to go to the well.
* * *
What if I trusted that once and several times over, and it were true, but I cannot get there from here any longer? Why do you think I question? And how many can I ask for such answers? There are several poems awaiting you in the Poet's Corner. And if you invite PM's yet you do not answer...


FoundAndLost1 said:
* * *
What if I trusted that once and several times over, and it were true, but I cannot get there from here any longer?
Why can you not get there? The well is yourself can you not see yourself anymore?

Why do you think I question? And how many can I ask for such answers?
As many as you have questions.

There are several poems awaiting you in the Poet's Corner. And if you invite PM's yet you do not answer...


I apologise, but I didnt see that I had a PM, and you never asked a question there, so why dont you PM me and tellme exactly what is wrong.
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