Whenever someone speaks badly about you they are just words. Whenever someone condescends to you they are just words. Whenever somone points out your lesser qualities they are just words. Yet they hurt more than any pain I have ever felt. People say, "What do you care what they think?" is it so easy to sit back and let someone talk poorly of you and not feel a thing? But then again 80% of my life people have talked poorly of me so I guess I have never known self-acceptance. I just don't get it why is it whenever another person speaks poorly of me it hurts? And it does not have to be of me specifically. It can be speaking poorly of a group in which I am associated with. The fact is that it just hurts, the pain is so bad that I cannot even describe it. Why is it just words that hurt? Why do they hurt me? They are not even a tangeble thing. They are just soundwaves, electromagnetic pulses or text. Yet they hurt more than any pain I have ever experienced in my who life. Why why why, why do these words make me want to end it all. Why do they make me cry or feel uncomfortable? Why do they do anything like that? I fucking hate it, words ruin everything for me. I was happier today but then some words were uttered that hurt me and now I am back to square one in pain and depression. Why do they make me like this why do I have to be hurt. I guess it is beceause I let them hurt me? Yes that has to be it otherwise they would not hurt. It is my fault they hurt me everything is my fault. All my misfortuane even the misforturan caused by other people. They are all my fault I chose to make them happen and they magically happened. The only person to blame here is myself because that is who molds the world around me. Because it would be to easy to blame my misfortuan on others especially since I brought it on myself. I spoke words which they then respoke and then those words hurt me because I let them. I am in the instigator of my own suffering. Not others it would be wrong to blame them for my actions.... after all they are just words they have no meaning unless we give them meaning. They hurt us only if we let them we can just turn the other way and pretend they were not said right?